Big saddy joe 😩✨

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Joes pov
                          Chapter 7

   I can't believe he kicked me out. It's like I don't even know who he is anymore. I mean I never knew his name but I thought it was meant to be.  A new start of life, but no why would I ever get my hopes up?This brings back memories from when my parents kicked me out. I was just 30 years old and still loved trash. The scent, the texture, the taste. My dad was horrible to my trash and I. He never accepted me. My mom was supportive until the day after my 30th birthday. They called me into the dining room and sat me down to have a chat. ¨Listen, Joe you know we love you...¨ My mom said before my dad intterupts, ¨I don't.¨. ¨This is really hard to say but ...̈ ̈We are kicking you out. Now go on and GET.¨My dad said. ¨WHAT!¨ I said. ¨Why?¨ ¨You steal the neighbors trash, you stalk the garbage men.¨ ¨You have a problem Joe.¨ My mom said '' concerned but also with a little anger.” “YOUR 30 YEARS OLD AND LIVING IN OUR BASEMENT! For Goodness sakes.” My dad says annoyed by my questioning. I didn’t know what to feel so I'm 30 years old and love trash ,but at least I’m not the one with the clean house and have an obsessive cleaning problem. Then my little sister started crying. Her name is Johanna and she is 1 ½. My mom went to go get her then brought her back. I tried to pick her up then Johanna said her first words! ¨Go away Joe Gah Gah.¨ ¨You heard her Joe. GET OUT!¨ said my dad. ¨FINE!¨ I said, storming out. ¨I'll get my things in the morning.¨ ¨NO! Go get them now and never come back here again.¨ My dad said. So with tears in my eyes I run to the basement and pack my things. That was the last time I saw my family. One month later I found my new home. The alley beside that guy's apartment building in my little trash hut. It's ok though, it's quite roomie. There I can be alone with my trash and stalk the garbage men all the time. The dumpster is right beside my house.

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