Chapter 8

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Levi thought up a plan in his mind on the way over to Eren's place. It wasn't that far, but it felt like ages until he finally got to the apartment building. He walked up the stairs and pushed open the door, without bothering to knock or ring the bell. Eren jolted backwards, almost falling off the couch. He stared at Levi, and Levi held his gaze. They looked at each other in silence, neither one wanting to speak. About a minute passed by, the seconds ticking on a nearby wall clock, until finally they both decided to speak.

"Eren I-"

"Levi I-"

They both stopped, not wanting to interrupt the other. Eren whispered something, but Levi couldn't understand it. Eren could tell by the look on his face, and said it a little louder this time.

"Levi I'm sorry."

Levi looked stunned. What could the younger boy possibly be sorry for? What could he have done wrong. That was it. He didn't do anything wrong. Levi's mind swirled with thoughts, and Eren could tell Levi was having a hard time. He got up and lead him over to the couch.

"Eren... why are you... what did you... don't apologize. You did nothing wrong." He stared down at his lap.
"I was the one that barged into your life. I was the one that pretended to be a student, then a teacher when people became suspicious. I was the one who took control of your dreams and invaded your life."

Eren rubbed Levi's back, trying to comfort him. He wasn't sure what to say, but he felt sorry for some reason. He couldn't quite place why, but he felt he needed to be sorry. Like he had just messed something up that could have cost him something important.

Before Levi knew it, his lips smashed into Eren's, and the brunette's eyes widened, unsure of what to do next. He kissed back and tilted his head inwards. Levi's hands ran up and down Eren's sides, then eventually down to his waist. Eren wasn't sure of how things got so intimate so quickly, but he sure as hell enjoyed it. He was just confused in general. Levi nibbled at Eren's bottom lip, making him whimper and open his mouth, gaining entrance. He slid his tongue in and lapped at the younger boy's tongue. He explored every inch of Eren's mouth with his tongue, then finally pulled away. Eren panted and his heart raced with excitement. He hadn't exactly "made out" with anyone before, and he kind of liked it.

"Eren." Levi whispered.

"Y-Yeah Levi?"

"I came here to talk, not kiss you." Levi rolled his eyes and blamed it all on Eren, even though he was at fault.

"Hey wait a sec! I-" Levi pecked his lips once to shut him up, then started talking.

"Eren I need you to understand something. We are destined to be together, whether you like it or not, and I hope to god that you don't screw anything up like I did. I've spent years searching for you, and you alone, and when I finally found you, I was so overjoyed I had to take over your dream and tell you I need you. I need you a lot Eren. I know it's only been a short amount of time, and we can take more if we need it, but I just wanted to apologize genuinely instead of hiding behind a dream."

Eren didn't know what to say, he was speechless. He had no idea Levi could say something so deep. It seemed to him Levi had a hard time sharing his feelings, and suddenly this was happening, right before his eyes. It was like the heaviest weight had just been lifted off of Levi's shoulders. He sat back and stared at the empty wall in front of him, not wanting to say or do anything else. He just wanted to collapse right there and rest until morning.

"Levi.." Eren murmured. He wrapped an arm around Levi and rested his head on the back of the couch. He could feel Levi was drained of all of his energy and didn't try to speak him. The two just sat there, enjoying the peace and quiet. After a couple of minutes, Eren got up and wrapped his arms around Levi. He lifted Levi up and held him bridal style. Levi's stoic expression turned to one of shock as he squirmed around in Eren's arms, trying to get down.

"I think we both need sleep." Eren spoke as calmly as he could, trying not to laugh at Levi's little show that he was putting on.

"I can walk myself, I'm not a baby, put me down god damned brat!" He yelped until Eren finally dropped him on the bed and covered him up. The brunette walked around to the other side of the bed, turned off the lamp, and crawled under than covers with Levi. The moonlight shone and his brilliant green eyes sparkled. Levi gazed into his eyes, getting lost in their beauty, then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

That was all that happened between the two that night. No love was made nor cuddles were given. Just the two of them sleeping together, sharing sweet dreams all throughout the night, and into late morning, when they finally woke up. Eren was the first to open his eyes. He stared out the window at the tops of houses and the skyline, a single cloud drifting through the morning sky. He could feel Levi's warmth clinging to him, so he didn't try to get up out of bed. He relaxed and watched him sleep peacefully. Levi looked more sweet and innocent in his sleep, and Eren found that quite adorable. After about an hour of waiting, Levi finally opened his eyes and stretched himself out. He realized he had attached himself to Eren, but he really couldn't care less. He was warm and that's all he wanted at the moment.

"Good morning sunshine." Eren beamed. "You slept like a baby last night."

Levi rolled his eyes and sat up on the bed. A gust of cold air hit him, and he instantly dove back under the covers. "Dammit Eren haven't you ever heard of heat?"

"It's cheaper this way, and I figured you could keep me warm."

Levi stared blankly at Eren, then realized he was being genuine and nodded. "I could probably do that."

Eren smiled brightly and his response. "Yay cuddles!" He squeezed Levi tightly and buried his face in Levi's neck.

They chilled in bed for a while, until Eren's stomach growled. "Well, well. Somebody's hungry." A smirk grew on his face, and Eren blushed. "Quit that!" He hit Levi playfully and stepped out of bed. The boy shivered and grabbed a blanket. "I'm going to make some toast... would you like anything?"
"No, no. I'm perfectly fine." Levi snickered and pulled the covers up over his head.

"Whatever." Eren ventured out of the room and into the kitchen. He popped some bread in the toaster and waited for it to pop. When it did, he pulled it out, set it on a plate, and spread butter over both sides of the two pieces. He hummed and walked back into his room, where Levi laid in his bed.

Levi had taken off all his clothes except for his boxers and hid under the covers so Eren couldn't tell. The brunette sat on his bed and scarfed the toast down, then crawled back under the covers. He wrapped himself around Levi, then realized Levi was half naked and jolted backwards, a little embarrassed.

"What is it brat?" Levi looked down. "Oh this? You like?" A smirk tugged at his lips, but he didn't let it show.

"I-I.. I uh..." He stuttered, wanting to just dig a hole and die in it.

"Aww! Are you embarrassed brat?" He snickered and pulled Eren close to him again. Eren shivered a little, trying not to look at Levi. He really did like to see him like that but he was too embarrassed to show it.

"Why don't you have clothes on Levi?" He spoke softly, his voice shaking.

"They'd be in the way of what I'm about to do~" He pulled Eren closer and kissed his lips. They continued on, savoring the crisp afternoon moment.

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