Chapter 9

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6 months later

Eren strolled down the sidewalk confidently, head held high. He was proud of himself for losing his "v-card" to his favorite man, and wanted the whole world to know, even though nothing had happened since that day six months ago. But obviously... he wasn't going to go yelling it in the streets... no, he probably would have but Levi stopped him before he could. Eren tangled his fingers up in Levi's and rushed down the street, picking up the pace. He was happy about how things were now between them, and wanted this unspoken relationship to continue.

"Slow down, brat. I'm not as young as I used to be." Levi chuckled, actually beginning to feel like an old man. Eren rolled his eyes.

"Come on you old codger we're going to be late!" He sprinted off, leaving Levi in the dust. Levi continued at his own pace and would eventually catch up to Eren. In the meantime, he enjoyed the cool breeze against his face, though his windblown hair bothered him. Eren reached the movie theatre and sat down on the bench in front of it, panting and exhausted. "Levi!! Where'd you go?" He yelled over the loudness of the city. Eren spotted Levi's deep gray eyes first and realized he was mad, judging by the look on his face. The brunette ran into the theatre, got the tickets quickly, and hid from Levi. He bought a bag of popcorn, risking his life that Levi might see him, and ran into theatre #23. He sat down calmly, pretty positive that Levi would find him eventually, but for now he was just going to relax and watch the movie... "Levi needs his ticket though... Shit"

Eren got back up and walked to the lobby, popcorn in hand. He could sense Levi before he saw him, his anger weighing down the whole room. He tapped his shoulder and looked down at him hesitantly, very afraid of what was to come. The scowl on Levi's face faded when he saw a puppy dog face on Eren, and his heart melted, but of course, he wasn't going to show it.

"Let's go brat." He sighed and dragged Eren along.

"O-Okay.." He was relieved he had gotten out of this one.

"This is the only time I'm not going to spank you." He said sternly. "If I have to treat you like a little kid, so be it to make you listen."

Eren sat down next to Levi on the seats exactly in the middle of the theatre (thankfully they were open).
Levi looked around at the crowd and scoffed in disgust.

"What a bunch of low lifes. What movie is this?" He looked over to Eren, who smiled mischeviously.

"You'll see." He then proceeded to stick his tongue out.

"I'm angry at myself." Levi rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, speaking out of the blue.

"For what?" Eren's shocked expression faded away into curiousness.

"Nothing that concerns you."

"B-But.. you didn't do anything wrong... why would you be angry at yourself?"

"Say one more word and we're leaving and not seeing the movie." Levi grunted.

"Okay." Eren instantly covered his mouth, not meaning to say anything. It was a habit of his to agree with Levi, probably a bad habit.

Levi narrowed his eyes. "I see how it is..." He grabbed the collar on the brunette's shirt and pulled him out of his seat. "Let's go, smartass."

"No! I'm sorry I didn't mean to! I really want to see this movie!! Levi~!!" He struggled to get out of his grip but couldn't.

Levi pulled Eren all the way back to his house, ignoring strangers staring at them in shock. He sat down on the couch and pulled Eren over his knee, spanking him.

"Don't you dare disobey me. I know your future, and your fate"

Eren whimpered softly, trying not to make any embarrassing noises in pain. "Levi stop!"

He did so. "Then don't talk back and disobey me again." He glared at the younger boy and pushed him off his knee. Eren fell forward and thudded onto the floor, looking up at Levi innocently, then at the carpeted floor. His cheeks turned rosy red at the face Levi was making, sort of a smirk.

He sat back down on the couch next to Levi and hugged him as tight as he could. "I'm sorry..."

"I accept your apology." Levi wrapped his arms around Eren and sighed. They ended up cuddling on the couch for the rest of the night.

"This is way better than a movie." Eren murmured as he drifted off to sleep.

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