Chapter 6

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"WHERE IS HE?! WHERE IS THAT BRAT?! WHY IS HE NOT HERE TODAY?! DAMN HIM?!" A boy shouted and pulled out a knife from his pocket. "WHERE IS EREN JAEGER?! HE HAS NEVER MISSED A DAY OF SCHOOL IN HIS DAMN LIFE!! AND TODAY IS THE DAY HE DECIDES NOT TO SHOW?!" The boy walked around the classroom, his knife pointed out at his classmates. "LINE UP" He nearly screamed and tears fell down his cheeks. "I WANT EVERYONE IN A STRAIGHT LINE. MAKE IT HAPPEN!"

The frightened students nodded and scurried over to the wall. Some faced the other direction so they didn't have to see the psychotic look on their classmate's face. The teacher picked up a chair and walked towards the boy.

"Now Jean.." She spoke softly. "Put the knife away." The teacher picked up the phone and dialed the police officer in the building.

"NO I WON'T!!" Jean pointed it at the teacher and walked towards her, causing her to put the phone down and back away. "Do you.. take me for a fool?!" Jean talked quietly between clenched teeth, anger could be seen in his eyes. "I HAVE TO GET RID OF THAT PIP SQUEAK, EREN, FOR GOOD!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, the sound echoeing through the classroom.

"J-Jean. Please stop." Marco quivered- in fact very scared of Jean- and stood at the other end of the classroom. "I don't want to see you like this." He held back tears. Seeing him like this made him incredibly uneasy and afraid. Who wouldn't feel like this if they saw their partner holding several people hostage?

Jean lowered the knife slowly and walked towards Marco. He spoke softly into his ear.

"I'll let you live Marco. Only as long as you keep quiet."

Jean's words relieved Marco. All of his fear had gone away. He nodded as Jean walked over to a brown haired girl. He put the knife up to the back of her neck, slitting it slightly so a small cut remained. The girl held back a scream and swallowed hard. She said nothing, in fear that he would cut her neck further.

"Sasha." He spoke. "You look like Eren a little don't you? This will have to do." Jean slowly carved the knife into her neck, this time making her scream.

The door slowly opened quietlt, not making a sound, and the police officer walked in cautiously. He walked towards Jean, spotting the knife right away. Jean stopped and slowly turned around towards the officer.

There was no way he could he heard him. Jean ran at the officer, knife in hand, and raised it up so that he could stab straight through the officer's heart.

Over the speaker, the words "This is a lockdown drill," repeated over and over again, ringing loudly into the students' and teacher's ears. Everyone ducked down to the floor immediately.

Sasha fainted and the officer stopped in his tracks, eyes wide, yet still looking unfearful. He pulled out his tazer and pushed it right at Jean, and that was the end of it. The psychotic bully fell to the floor with a thud, and everyone rushed over to Sasha, crowding around her. Jean's blade fell to the floor and slid across the tile, stopping under a desk. Everyone in the classroom ran out once they had seen Jean passed out on the floor. That is, except Marco.

"Get out of here!" The officer yelled at Marco.

"B-But Jean.." He worried for his unconscious partner.


Marco ran out quickly. The officer took Jean out and handcuffed him. The nurse and counselor ran in squatted down next to the also unconscious girl, Sasha. They called 911 to get an ambulance right away as Sasha's wound was life threatening, and she needed immediate care. Blood ran down her neck, dripping onto the cold tile floor where she lay.

Minutes later, the ambulance arrived and carried Sasha away. All of the students who hadn't run off campus in fright were brought back into the building and called into the auditorium. The principal spoke to all of them and ensured their safety from now on, then dismissed everyone to go home. The police officer called everyone that had witnessed the incident that day into his office, one by one until he'd talked to them all. He had enough information to see what had happened prior to his arrival to the classroom. The school took care of calling all of the parents and comforting shaken students that had stayed.

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