Chapter 10

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"Eren... I'm going to have to leave you soon. I can't stay-"

"Don't you dare leave me!! We've gotten this far! Why would you even dare think about leaving me?!?!"

"It's to keep you safe, Eren. I couldn't live with myself if you got hurt or died because of my stupid actions."

"I don't give a fuck if you couldn't live with yourself! You're not leaving me! I love you so much more than you could imagine, Levi!" Tears streamed down Eren's face. He didn't know what to do at this point. He felt a mix of betrayal, anger, and heartbreak running through his body. It coursed through his veins, feeling a stronger, more persistant pain than anything he'd ever felt before. He didn't even remember life before Levi. All of the times he had nearly died, but just when things were looking the worst, Levi swooped in and saved him. Levi was his knight in shining armor, his prince charming, his savior. Eren felt so connected to Levi, he would die if Levi were to leave. Life would become even more complicated than it already had.

Levi turned away and walked out the door. It creaked shut behind him and locked from outside. Levi slipped the key under the doormat and walked off, not even saying goodbye. Time had moved so slowly for Eren. What could he have possibly done to put their love in danger. How is it possible that this ended so suddenly... and how was Levi not upset that it had ended aswell.
Levi turned back and looked at the shabby building Eren lived in. His eyes started to water and he turned away quickly, speed walking down the side walk. Small parts of himself started to fall off like confetti. They shimmered in the moonlight, and Levi dematerialized himself. He no longer existed in the real world. He would never go back to Eren, for the sake of saving him. He would never look into his dreams again. He would only remember the memories they shared. An eight month long relationship, Eight months of his life that had not gone to waste. Despite the fact Levi was getting old, he had all of the time in the world to do what he wanted, and that was to think about Eren. He would devote the rest of his life to the brunette with the gleaming green eyes, but Eren didn't have a clue.

Eren threw himself onto the couch and cried, "LEVI!! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME LEVI!!" Eren couldn't contain himself. There was nothing he could do, he felt so lost. He couldn't move on anymore. It was 10 times the pain of a normal breakup. Why did he have to go through such an abrupt and harsh end?

There was nobody there to comfort him. In the time they had been together, Mikasa had left him for good and moved out. Armin had moved on and they were no longer friends, Levi had left him just now. A lot can happen within a certain amount of time.

Eren jumped up and grabbed his phone. He called her, but there was no answer. He tried three more times, but there was still no answer. He threw his phone across the room and jumped back onto the couch, pulling a pillow to his chest and crying into it, as if it was Levi. There was literally nobody there for him. He felt as if he had lived for Levi, and his terrible life up to that point had prepared him for the ravenette.

Eren felt as if it was the end of his life. He went to his closet and pulled out a rope, his emergency rope, he had been saving in case something happened that he absolutely could not fix. That something was Levi.

He hung it up above his door and tied the noose. He pulled it over his head slowly and- he heard his phone ring. Eren tossed it to the side and ran into the living room to answer it. It was Annie. Just the person he had wanted to talk to. His best friend. The one that made him smile when there was nobody else there to help him out. They had used to be enemies, injuring eachother in brutal fist fights, but now they were friends. Eren felt guilty that he hadn't tried to talk to her in that amount of time, but he also felt sad. Not only because of Levi, but also because Annie hadn't tried to talk to him in a few months. He realized how much he missed her and answered the phone quickly.

"Annie!!" He yelped into the phone. "I'm so glad you answered! I really need someone to talk to! Will you come over?!?!" He whimpered.

"I- sure Eren. I'm on my way... but whats wrong? You sound awful."

"I'll explain when you get here." Eren sobbed.

"Alright I'll see you soon.. bye"

"Bye!!" Eren hung up and started crying again.

He fell onto the floor and started rolling around and pounding his fists into the floor. "WHY LEVI?!?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?! I LOVED YOU SO MUCH WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?!"

Five minutes later Annie knocked on the door. Eren froze in his spot, then jumped up and opened the door.

"Hi Er- agh!!"

Eren leaped onto Annie and tackled her to the ground. He cried on her shoulder and squeezed her tightly into a friend hug.

"E-Eren I... c-can't... breathe!!" She wheezed.

He loosened his grip, but didn't let go of her. His crying got louder and she sighed and ran her hand up and down his back.

"Whats wrong Eren? What happened hun." She sighed as he nuzzled his face into her neck.

"L-Levi.. he left me!! He's gone!! He broke up with me and just left without saying goodbye!!" He sniffled and whined.

"Awh poor baby. I'm so sorry." She hugged him tightly and tried to comfort him. "I know how it feels."

She frowned and ran her fingers through his hair. Annie didn't want to tell him how she really felt. The guy she loved had a boyfriend for eight months, and he still loved him. She just wanted to put it out there. She wanted to just tell him how she felt, and maybe it would make him feel better... or maybe not.

"Eren I want to tell you something." She said it almost so seriously.

"Y-Yeah Annie? Are you okay?"

"Eren... I've been wanting to tell you this for such a long time. I like... no. I love you."

Eren looked up at her slowly, unsure of what to say.

"Annie... I don't love you. I love Levi. I'll never stop loving Levi. He is my everything. I'll never let him go, even though he seemed to not love me anymore. I'm sorry Annie."

"Its fine. I kinda figured you still loved Levi. Well, maybe if you ever change your mind, you'll know where to find me."

She got up off the ground and walked back out the door again, holding back the gallons of tears that were welling up in her eyes.

I put it out there, and I blew it. How could I be so stupid. Of course hes not over Levi. Of course he doesn't love me.

Annie slumped down the sidewalk, and Eren watched her out. He felt awful, but he truly did not love her. He loved Levi.

Levi wanted him to move on and be happy, but Eren couldn't. He believed he would never move on from his lover. His friend. His shoulder to cry on.

It was too painful to move on.

That evening Eren hung himself, not caring if he hurt anybody by doing it. He couldn't live life without Levi, so he ended his life.

Maybe heaven is like a dreamland.

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