Chapter 7

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Eren sighed as he pulled his favorite white T-shirt out of the closet.

"Do I have to?" He whined and scrunched it up sadly.

"You'll get it back within a week." Levi grumbled and yanked it out of the younger boy's hands. Eren still held onto a piece of it in his hand. This was in fact Eren's lucky shirt, which never let him down. He had worn it through tests, bets, experiments, and lots of other unpromising events in life.

"Why are you taking it again?"

"You don't want it ruined do you?"

"No.." Eren sighed and let go of the piece he had in between his thumb and index finger.

"Oi, Eren." Eren turned his head to look to his side, but chose wrong. Levi thumped the back of his head and walked out.

"OW! What the hell was that for?!"

"That may have saved your life. You had better be more grateful brat." Levi's lips curled up into a slight smile as he walked out the front door.

Eren rolled his eyes and dropped it. For the first time, he had shown some self control. He wanted to lunge at Levi and beat him up, but at the same time, he thought it was fun to be with him. Even with the always fun, getting thumped on the back of the head and arguing over shirts. He didn't know what exactly it was, but he felt something for Levi. He enjoyed the tingly sensation talking to him gave him. The butterflies in his tummy whenever he thought about him.

Levi walked out to the street in the pitch black of night. Eren believed Levi to be some magical creature or God, almost worshiping him in his own way, though he was wrong. Levi was just a normal man blessed with a special power.

Shitty brat had better be grateful. The amount of time I'm spending trying to make his life easier.

Levi thought to himself on his way back to his house. He actually lived just up the street from Eren, within walking distance of his apartment. Levi's house was a two story, four bedroom modern. He had a decent amount of money, considering he had wiped out his family's bank account and left with the money. Eren lived in an apartment complex with old, outdated furniture and appliances. He was even lucky to be able to pay for electricity and running water. He needed help, but he refused to admit it. He had a slow amount of money coming in from his sister, who had disappeared.

All anyone knew was that Mikasa was still alive and well, but nowhere to be found. She had been sending Eren bundles of cash and notes asking about how his life was, but Eren never wrote back. He enjoyed living alone, but always found himself missing her company. He was indeed slightly salty at her for taking off without a word. Eren also didn't know that Levi knew her exact whereabouts. Family must stick together, after all.

Levi walked up to the door of his house, and right when he was about to open it...

"WELCOME HOME LEVI!!" Hanji cheered happily.

"Shitty glasses." Levi pushed her out of the way and walked past her, slumped over, making him look even shorter. He sat down on the 'clean chair' that was his to sit in and his only, and pulled out a book to read.

"Everything alright shorty? You seem pretty down." Hanji plopped down on the couch next to him and put her elbow on the arm of the sofa. She rested her head in her hand and stared at Levi directly for a while. Levi rolled his eyes and continued reading. He ignored Hanji, and pretty soon, it was like she wasn't there.

"Oh I know." She giggled after thinking about it for awhile. "You have a crushy- wushy don't you?" Hanji wanted to get up and pinch his cheeks, but she knew he would just swat her away, so she didn't. Levi shot her a glare, warning her to shut up. Hanji threw up her hands. "I was right! Levi has a crushy wushy!!" She cackled and ran upstairs before Levi could take action. She slammed the door to tick him off even more and immediately got on her phone.

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