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"Miko, I swear-"

"Save it, Jack. You can't stop me."

"Well, I can try."

About two seconds later, the trio of humans all ran through the Ground Bridge moments before it closed, the two males chasing the headstrong female before giving up the second the Bridge closed.

The Autobots were only a few yards ahead of them, casually walking, looking left and right. Apparently not much to worry about on this patrol.

"Boring," Miko whispered, apparently picking up on this too.

"See? Not exactly sure it's worth getting into trouble with Optimus," Jack hissed back.

"Give it a rest. We're fine," the female responded. Raf sighed below them, starting forward.

"What'd they say they were looking for?" the youngest asked.

"Some stray signal that's been popping up randomly," Jack said, hurrying to catch up with him. "I heard Ratchet say that it was Cybertronian but didn't identify as any faction."

"Mystery," Miko chimed in, falling into step beside Jack. "So, they're looking for another bot?"

"Guess so."

"Hey." All three froze and turned around to see Arcee standing behind them with arms crossed, helm tilted and a stern expression on her face plate. "Ratchet said there was a certain lack of noise at the base. What do you think you're doing here, exactly?"

"Helping with investigation," Miko said instantly. Arcee lifted an optic ridge, unimpressed.

"You know what?" the two-wheeler suddenly said, lifting a servo. "In that case, you can help with investigation by staying right here. Call if you see anything. At least, until Ratchet picks you up."

"Great," Miko grumbled as Arcee stalked away, seemingly proud of herself. "Miss Stern just had to ruin it."

"That's good. Crushes your ego," Jack stated sourly, earning himself a glare in return.

"Would you two stop it?" Raf pleaded, turning around to face them. He opened his mouth to continue when his eyes suddenly went wide and his jaw seemed to unhinge.

"What? What is it?" Jack asked, concern evident in his tone as he took in the young hacker's expression. Raf's finger suddenly shot up, pointing behind the pair. Both older humans turned to look, their eyes widening as well.

"Holy-" Jack slapped his hand over Miko's mouth, grabbing Raf's arm and dragging them both into a small cluster of trees, crouching down.

"Be quiet," he whispered, squeezing his eyes shut.

A twig snapped outside the cluster and a low growl sounded, followed by an unsatisfied grunt. Raf sucked in a sharp breath while Miko carefully pulled her phone out of her pocket, flipping it open.

"Miko, what are you doing?" Jack hissed as she shifted away from him. She froze when the heavy footsteps stopped outside the cluster, slowly ducking back behind the tree.

"What is that thing?" Raf whispered, looking up at Jack. The older boy didn't respond, eyes squeezed shut.

The ground shook slightly beneath them and something that sounded slightly like a dog sniffing something came from behind the cluster. Jack cracked one eye open, both opening once he realized Miko was no longer in sight.

"Stay here," he whispered to Raf before hurrying over to where he'd last seen Miko.

The female was just outside the cluster, creeping around the creature. It currently had its head down, sniffing the grass, tail flicking occasionally. Miko took a few steps around it, then sprinted to the other side of the clearing, diving behind the trees. Jack sucked in a breath and backtracked as the creature turned around, lifting its head.

From the front, it looked like a huge robotic wolf, vibrant blue optics scanning the forest. Its paws were just as large, and on its neck was a cluster of spikes that somewhat resembled the fur someone would see on a wolf. Fitting.

But besides the fact. The wolf lowered its head again, taking a couple of baby steps forward, pausing in one spot in particular. Then it turned towards Miko hiding spot, shuffling towards that.

Thinking fast, Jack fumbled for a rock on the ground, picking one up and throwing it at the wolf, hitting it on its head with a metallic clang. The human then ran as quietly and quickly as possible back to Raf, who had curled his knees to his chest, breathing shallowly.

A slow, low growl sounded, this time much closer to Jack and Raf. Both boys stayed as still as possible, eyes squeezed shut, backs pressed against the trees.

The ground trembled once more, but then the sounds began to become farther away. Raf and Jack remained still for a couple more minutes, barely daring to breathe.

"Hey, guys, it's gone now!" Miko called quietly over to them, poking her head around the trees. The pair looked over at her and she trotted over to them, opening her phone. "Check this beast out."

"A Cybertronian wolf?" Raf asked, studying the picture presented on her screen. "Decepticon? I don't remember seeing one of those."

"Newcomer?" Jack said cluelessly. He forced himself to his feet, cautiously walking around the cluster. The grass had been pressed flat where the wolf had walked, a few bushes swept to the side, most likely from its tail. "What was it doing here? Why didn't it attack? Seems a little less Decepticon than we've seen."

"Who cares? It's a freaking Cybertronian wolf! How cool is that?"

"Not cool if it's going to eat us!" Jack snapped.

"I don't think we'd digest well."

"You get my point. Anyway, we should just wait here until the Autobots come to get us just in case that thing comes back." Miko paused, then nodded.

"That's probably a good idea."

And so they settled back down to wait for their guardians to return.



"Oops? Really? That's all you've got?"

"Hey. I've never actually encountered one of the natives before. I didn't know they could take pictures."

"I hope you can track that signal and get rid of it. I don't want information about you getting spread, Rayen."

"I know, I know. I've already pinned it down. Aaaaaaand...there. Picture disposed of. Everything's fine, (Y/n)."

"I hope so. Let's keep moving. The more ground we cover, the better. I located an abandoned Energon mine a few miles from here - we can rest there."

"You said it. I'll be more careful this time. By the way, those little things stink."

"Says the rank wolf standing beside me."

"Hey, hey!"

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Come on. Let's get out of here. We'll move on tomorrow."

"Like we always do."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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