Chapitre huit

14 1 0

Author stuff: So, the plot thickens like bacon and cheddar broccoli soup! ...that actually sounds really good right now.

I had this headcanon back in season 1 that Alya had a lot of siblings, mostly sisters. Which, she kind of does, but I thought it would be more. Basically, there's quite a few OCs in this chapter.

And Lila is here.

Chapitre huit

Following The Leader

Marinette felt his words pierce straight through her heart. Help him capture Chat Noir? Would it really be that easy?

It would. The stray cat – for some reason or another – seemed to like her. Luring him away from his Green Men would be easy enough...

But his Green Men! She knew many of them. They were honest to God, good people. They wouldn't hurt a living thing. Would his capture condemn them to the same or worse fate?

She was about to ask when the door opened.

"Felix, I wanted to talk to you about – oh."

Standing in the doorway was his fiancée. Up close, the young woman was inordinately beautiful. She looked roughly the same age as Marinette. Her dark hair was pulled neatly back and made her face look sharp and elegant. Her moss green eyes had a clear view of the room.

The woman took one look at Marinette and frowned. She withdrew a small dagger from the folds of her skirt and stalked straight toward the bound girl.

She hefted up the bound wrists and... cut right through the rope. Her grip on Marinette was soft but firm, sort of kind if nothing else. She pulled Marinette to her feet.

"Really, your men should know better than to bind an innocent girl," she said, letting go of Marinette's slender wrists. "It's not as if she committed some sort of crime."

One of the guards started to protest, but he stopped when the lady shot him a glare that sent ice running through Marinette's veins. She didn't pity the man.

The woman held out a hand to Marinette, her face melting into something of concern.

"Come along," she said. "I would rather not leave you with these... mockingstocks."

Marinette accepted the hand and allowed herself to be pulled out of the room. Before she could leave, however, she was stopped by the duke's voice.

"Damoiselle Marinette," he said, "think about my offer. I'll be awaiting your answer."

The woman snapped the door shut, cutting off her fiancé from saying anything further. The agitated look on her face spoke more than any words could.

"Idiot," she said, hissing. Seeing the look Marinette was giving her, she brushed back an imaginary loose strand of hair and straightened. "Not you, damoiselle. My fiancé and his guards. They're all idiots. How could he? What does he think you've done?"

"He believes that I've befriended the vigilante, Chat Noir," Marinette said softly, feeling admonished despite the other woman's anger being targeted towards others.

"And have you?"

"Not really, no. But he won't leave me alone. He came to my bedroom last night."

The woman snorted.

"A lover?"

Marinette felt herself flush. Well that was an... interesting assumption, to say the least. The woman chuckled starting in one direction down the hallway. Marinette followed after her.

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