Chapitre vingt-trois

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Author stuff: I'm genuinely excited for these next few chapters, y'all have no idea.

Chapitre vingt-trois

The Tournament, Part I: Escape from the Black Cat's Camp


The young woman turned to see Tikki and Brother Fu looking at her through the bars. She let out a sigh of relief and rushed over to them.

"What are you doing here?" Tikki said, looking Marinette up and down. Her brow was furrowed, and her lips were pursed. Brother Fu wore a similar expression.

"We were told that Chat had put you in a safe place," Brother Fu said. "I hardly find his bedroom safe."

Marinette gave him a look, summoning a chuckle from the friar.

"What are you two doing here?" she said.

"We needed to talk to that damned black cat, but he's not here," Tikki said. "We heard you rattling about and thought it was him."

"He's probably already at the tournament then. He knows what will happen if he goes – I told him what Felix and Papillon were planning."

Tikki's lips thinned, sharing a look with Brother Fu. They nodded.

"Why were you looking for him?" Marinette said.

"We need to get you out of here," Tikki said, avoiding her question. She dug around the bag strapped around her shoulder and withdrew a small dagger.

Brother Fu, meanwhile, looked around and plucked something from off the ground – a rock. He handed it to Tikki, who simply nodded.

"Sorry, Plagg," she said as she stabbed the dagger into the lock. Marinette watched as she raised the rock and smashed it against the hilt. One, two, three strikes and the door opened. Tikki looked at the dagger wedged into the lock triumphantly.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Marinette said.

"Oh, you know, here and there. Now, we have some work to do. Come on, we need to get you dressed."

Tikki pulled out some clothes from her bag – the clothes that had been hidden in the chest in the fabric room. She held them out for Marinette to take.

"But they're men's clothes," she said.

"We have work to do, and I can't have you looking like a lady."

"What –"

"Just trust me on this, Marinette." Tikki turned to look back at Brother Fu. "Brother, if you please."

"Alright, alright," he said.

Marinette took the clothes and quickly changed into them with Tikki's assistance. They fit her comfortably, hiding her identity easily under the layers.

"Rose and Juleka did the alterations," Tikki said, helping her adjust clothing. "They remembered from the dress."

Marinette looked over to where the blue thing was settled over the back of a chair. Tikki caught her line of sight and grabbed it. She folded it up and hid it in her bag. She tapped Brother Fu's shoulder.

"Alright, let's go."

. . .

When they reached Rochers, most of the bastide was abandoned. Still, they rushed through the streets, dodging the few who decided to stay behind. A few of the orphans waved to her as she passed. Without thinking, she returned the gesture and continued on her way.

They didn't stop until they reached the tailor's shop. Tikki shut the door behind them and quickly rushed upstairs. Marinette went to follow her, but Brother Fu stopped her.

"We need to keep watch," he said. "Suspicious people are lurking about."

Marinette shrugged and watched the street through the shutters. No one appeared to have followed them and the street was empty, save a stray cat.

It didn't take Tikki long, returning with Marinette's bow and the red cloak – when had she gotten that back? – and they headed back out.

The tourney grounds were in the open fields, freshly harvested, at the edge of the forest. Crows cawed at them as they passed, disturbed from feeding off the leftovers that were probably starting to rot. Sounds of cheering greeted them long before they could even see any of the events.

"They won't allow us through," Tikki said. "They know I'm not an archer and Brother Fu... well. But you, wearing this cloak, you should be able to get in."

"Why do I need to get in?" Marinette said.

"Someone needs to warn Chat," Brother Fu said.

"Warn him of what? He already knows –"

"He only knows part of it," Tikki said to her. "Felix and Papillon have hired someone to participate in the tournament, someone who can compete at Chat's level. We need you to slip past the guards and warn him of the spy."

"But won't he suspect me?"

Tikki snorted as she clipped the cloak around Marinette's shoulders. She fixed the young woman's hair and tugged the hood over her head.

"Chat would be able to see through any disguise you wear. You don't have to participate long, just long enough to talk to him."

"We have to leave you here, I'm afraid," Brother Fu said, "otherwise people might suspect something. Will you be alright on your own?"

"I... I think so. Just one question. How do I get into the tournament? I mean, I can't just walk over and demand to participate in only the archery, can I? I don't think that's how it's done."

"You never know until you try. We'll be watching from the stands. Be careful and be safe."

Tikki pressed kisses to both of Marinette's cheeks. Brother Fu pulled her into a tight hug, letting her go after a moment. Together, the pair quickly made their way to the crowds. Marinette watched as they disappeared into the press of bodies. She followed shortly behind.

She walked as tall as she could, willing confidence in her every step. People eyed her curiously as she passed them, though she didn't acknowledge their presence. Better for them to think of her as a stranger from a nearby village or town come to take part than as the daughter of their baker.

She found the registration table easily enough. She only had to wait behind a few people – several of whom she knew to be rather excellent archers. When she heard the man writing people's names down call for her to come forward, she did so with more confidence than she ever felt before.

"Name?" he said, not looking up at her.

"I beg your pardon?" she said, immediately regretting it. The man looked up at her, offended. He eyed her over, raising a brow.

"Your name, please."

Ah, they hadn't thought of that. She needed to say something quickly or the man would get suspicious.

"Scarlet Coccinelle."

He looked as though he didn't believe her at first, but he slowly wrote it down.

"How long have you been shooting?"

"It's more of a recent hobby, something to occupy my free time," she said. She wasn't really lying, right? Half-truths were better than nothing.

"Right then," he said, nodding. "You'll be shooting in the second division. Good luck to you."

She nodded and headed in the direction she had seen a few other archers head in. The hard part was done, now to find Adrien in all the chaos of the tourney.

Author stuff cont'd.: Puppy update! She's currently sleeping on my lap. Her little nose and eyebrows are twitching as she's dreaming. 

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