Chapitre quinze

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Author stuff: Puppy update! She had her x-ray yesterday. Absolutely hated getting into the car and going to the vet, but she was called the sweetest thing by the vet tech who brought her back out. (Which is true, she is.) She was treated to a heaping cup of whipped cream as soon as we got home since she hates peanut butter.

She's been absolutely more cuddly than normal, which is more than fine with me except on the nights when it's been way too warm for snuggling. My bed was meant to keep me cool, but uh... yeah. Not much room to move around between the two of us.

Anyways! Posting this live from getting my second COVID shot.

Now, on to the story!

Chapitre quinze

Juleka Speaks Up

"Only if you agree to one other thing?" he said, humming. He tapped his chin thoughtfully.


"Only if you marry me."

She stood there for a moment, gaping up at him.


"I..." she said. "I don't... Could you please repeat that? I don't think I heard you properly."

"I will agree to teach you how to shoot if – and only if – you marry me."

She felt herself grow icy hot then fiery cold.

"That's... that's a rather tall propos... suggestion."

"I'm a rather tall person."

"Are you actually being serious?" she said, her voice coming out more in a hissing sort of shriek that trembled out past her lips. "I can't really tell. I mean, what kind of life would I live? I'm a baker's daughter, for Heaven's sake. I was raised a certain way. And you... You're a nobleman turned outlaw –"

"So, your parents would have an outlaw for an inlaw. I see nothing wrong with that."

"Do you plan to be an outlaw for the rest of your life? You might think it's funny, but I love my parents. Maman and Papa, they mean everything to me. If I marry you, I might not be able to see them ever again."

"I do plan on being an outlaw for the rest of my life. It's quite nice."

"Then, I'm afraid that I'm going to have to turn you down."

He chuckled.

"I'll give you some time to properly think about it," he said. "There's no hurry. I'll see you soon, though."

She watched as he opened the window and slid out, keeping his eyes in the lookout for any of the vicomte's or Felix's men. He slid out and left her gaping at where he had once been.

"Oh, how romantic."

She turned to see Rose swooning on her feet. Juleka stood behind her, holding her up as she leaned against the frame of the open door.

"It's hardly romantic," Juleka said, righting Rose. "She told the Duke a bit of information about Chat, something that could be fatal."

"But how is knowing his favorite food fatal?"

"It wasn't on purpose," Marinette said quietly. "You had to have heard that. My father –"

"Was threatened. Yes, we know. You've said it before. But you ended up breaking Chat's trust."

"I know."

"You know? And yet you did it anyway."

"You hadn't been there, so you can't–"

Noblesse ObligeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon