Chapitre vingt-six

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Author stuff: Puppy update! Going to be hanging out with not only my dog but also my cousin's dogs. They don't really get along very well, but that's mostly because one of my cousin's dogs is really protective over the other. It's gonna be fun!

This is a little bit of a breather chapter before things pick up again. Y'all take this time to cool down with watermelon and mint water. It's one of my favorite drinks this time of year. And it's super easy to make. Just a few chunks of watermelon (slightly crushed) and a few mint leaves (bruised until fragrant) and water.

For those not used to dealing with heat this time of year, please try this out. It's really quite nice. Also, please remember to wear loose fitting clothing (preferably cotton), wear sunscreen, look into the difference between heat stroke and heat exhaustion, cool yourself off by dipping your feet into cool water or rinsing your wrists (trust me when I say this works), and hydrate. Can't say this enough. Love y'all and take care of yourselves.

Chapitre vingt-six

The Ingenious Plan (Not Really)

Marinette wasn't quite sure what exactly happened. She remembered being on a table and the next she was being hauled to the manor. There had been cries that followed after her, but she wasn't able to see the results of her capture.

Her wrists were bound, and she was carried to Felix's office. They roughly sat her on the usual stool and waited. The guard who always seemed to be about smirked down at her. He was gloating.

She wanted to kick him, but the arrival of the Duke and Papillon stopped her.

"How stupid are you?" Felix said, glaring at her as he strode into the room. The colorful mantle draped about his shoulders fluttered behind him in a dramatic fashion.

"You wanted Chat Noir," she said, lifting her chin, "you got him, er, her. Me."

"Damoiselle, for some reason I seriously doubt those claims," Papillon said, sighing.

"Then you don't see the genius of the plan. We came up with it years ago – get people worried about some masked vigilante in the woods, but who would suspect the baker's daughter? No one. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?"

"Damoiselle Marinette, I am going to offer you one more chance," Felix said, rubbing his temples. "If you value your life, you will tell us who Chat Noir is and where to find him."

She bit her tongue, holding back a snarky retort. No use in wasting any more breath. She wouldn't tell them a single thing more. That's what got her into this whole mess in the first place.

Better her than Chat, she thought. He would do so much, he just hadn't seen any of it yet.

Felix sighed, bowing his head.

"I hate to do this," he said.

"We agreed," Papillon said.

"But we both know she's innocent. Everyone knows that she's innocent."

"An example needs to be made. If not her, it will be someone else. You know that as much as I do."

Papillon glanced at her out of the corner of his eyes. She didn't like the way his cold, gray eyes scanning her figure. She felt icy fingers drag across her spine and back down to her stomach, where they twisted around each other.

Felix nodded stiffly, relenting to whatever agreement the two of them had made.

"It's the only way," Papillon said. "Besides, plenty of people heard her admit it themselves. It wouldn't be completely unbelievable, as she said..."

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