Chapitre vingt-neuf

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Author stuff: And we are back!

And there's only a few more chapters left. Oh man.

...y'all are going to hate me at the end of this chapter.

Puppy update! My pupper had a checkup and her bandage redone yesterday. She's doing very well, according to the vet and surgeon at the animal hospital. She's feeling a lot better, still a little mad at me for shoving pills down her mouth while she's in the middle of eating (but she won't take them any other way now). She's still hobbling around, but she's doing a three legged run. I give her another week before she can keep up with squirrels and rabbits again

And I have one thing for y'all to do: Please send good energy in the way of my coworker's daughter. She was landed on in a bouncy house and her eye socket was fractured. She has double vision, can barely keep anything down, and is in a lot of pain. We're hoping for good news and a speedy recovery for her. She's a sweet, smart girl who loves Miraculous and wants to be a doctor someday. So, please, good energy being sent to this ten year old girl.

Trigger warning! There is death at the end of this chapter.

Chapitre vingt-neuf

Fathers and Sons


Marinette felt the air catch in her throat. What...?

Papillon was the first to react out of all of them. He lunged toward Adrien, a dagger drawn and ready to strike. Thankfully, Adrien was able to dodge the attack.

She had to do something – anything – to help him.

She kicked open the door of the cabinet, arrow ready. She startled Felix, who stumbled backwards into his chair. She ignored him.

She drew back the string as best she could and met eyes with Papillon. She recognized them – their color and size were the same as Felix's.

Felix, who was the duke and Adrien's brother. Felix, who was Papillon's – Gabriel Agreste's – son. Felix, who... didn't know any of that. That was going to be a fun conversation later.

If there was a later.

Papillon was distracted enough by her entrance, giving Adrien time to knock the dagger away.

"A fool's errand," Papillon said, "attempting to reclaim what isn't yours."

"And yet, you made me your heir," Adrien said, his voice in a tone she didn't recognize. And she hoped to never hear from him again. "Don't you remember, father? After my brother decided to go fight in the war, you made me your heir."

"What is... " Felix said, looking back and forth between them. The gears in his head were moving almost unbearably slow. "Papillon, explain yourself."

"I wish I could," Gabriel said, his eyes never leaving Adrien as he scanned over the figure ready to strike should he be given reason.

Marinette held the bow in place – the muscles in her back and arms started to ache. She wasn't going to be able to hold it for much longer. With the arrow pointed to Papillon, she, Adrien, and apparently Felix felt a little safer.

"He's been lying to you, Fee," Adrien said. Marinette saw something flicker in Felix's eyes, though he didn't seem to properly understand it. "He's lied about everything. His burns? He gave them to himself, before he tried to kill me. After you left, after mom's death, after you lost Brigette, he lost himself to his grief."

Noblesse ObligeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora