Chapitre dix

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Author stuff: This is one of the few chapters that were written for this and has remained the same throughout all of the rewrites. It's mostly the last part that made me keep it this way. I just loved it.

Also, plot.

I'm posting this a lot later than I usually do because, uh, it's my day off, and I wanted to sleep in and also my running buddy (my sweet doodle named Desi) is feeling up to walks that are longer than 20 minutes.

Chapitre dix

Real Friends Do Not Betray

A full day passed after she found the note. No one bothered her, no one came for her, no one said anything. She felt the eyes of Chat Noir's spies from time to time, but they weren't unnerving in any sort of way. They were... comfortable, familiar in some way – if that made any sort of sense.

Another day passed, followed by a third with no interruptions to her now rather bland routine. It was on the fourth day that something happened. It was rather abrupt and shortly after the morning rush. She had just gone around the back of the boulangerie, promising to be back shortly, when a rough sack dropped over her head and she was carried off.

Really, it was all too familiar.

It wasn't too long after that that she found herself in the study of Felix Agreste once again. He was sitting there, looking a little exasperated. Several pieces of paper – much like the one she had been given – were spread out in front of him. She couldn't read what was on any of them, but he was clearly corresponding with someone. The bottoms of each letter were sealed with an insignia she didn't recognize.

There were no guards this time, just the two of them. Good.

"You didn't come when I summoned you," he said, a little bitterly.

"I haven't decided whether or not I'll help you," she said, folding her arms in front of her chest.

"Oh, I'm aware, but remember, your father is in my care for the time being. What happens between now and when he is freed is entirely based on your actions."

She clenched her jaw. He wouldn't... do anything to her father, would he? Her father was a well respected and liked citizen in Rochers. The people wouldn't like it very much if anything happened to him.

"What do you want?" she said, clenching her fingers on the seat of the stool – at least her hands weren't bound this time.

"I just want to ask about the other night. A few of my men said that they saw you at the Sanglier Bleu. Mind telling me what you were doing there?"

"I'm good friends with one of the owner's daughters – Alya. I don't need much reason to see my friend, do I?"

"You see her every morning, from what I'm aware."

"And that matters because...?"

"Damoiselle Alya Cesaire is a suspected follower of Chat Noir."

A stone in Marinette's stomach dropped. She fought down the urge to panic. It wouldn't do her any good.

"Is that what you think?" she said. She found herself spinning the lie quite easily. "She's not one of his supporters. She would have told me if she was."

"Are you sure about that?" he said, his voice flat.

"Absolutely. Alya and I tell each other everything. We have since we met, and I broke my wrist. Ask anybody in Rochers, they'll tell you."

There was no doubt that even the ones who were opposed to Chat Noir would defend her friendship with Alya.

Felix sighed heavily, gathering the pieces of paper into a neat little pile. He didn't seem happy, but he wasn't as exasperated as he was before. He was just... flat, void of any and all emotion.

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