Chapter 58

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Just as said they relaxed for a few hours by laying down in bed and just enjoying each other. Then FP started a conversation by telling Alice about his parents' organisations and she stopped him halfway through. "It has to stop. Have they hurt anyone?"

"Well not to the point where they died, but-"

"They're gonna have to let everyone go if you want me to help you." Alice demanded. She wasn't going to help FP if he was going to keep hurting people. And she was beyond glad when she heard FP was going to talk to them about it. "Thank you. Being boring means a lot to you, but I don't think you want it if it means hurting others, am I right?" She promised herself she woould never stop teasing him about his wish, it was his choice, but she found it rather stupid.

"We're going there today, ok?" FP asked and Alice nodded.

"Are we gonna travel or am I gonna use my magic?" Alice smiled. She loved using her powers to make her life easier, she couldn't remember a time when she used them to hurt someone, at least not badly. She had to admit that every once in a while she'd make someone trip or a douche bag hit his car.

"Your magic sounds faster." FP said and Alice agreed with him because it was obviously true. "How long do you think it'll take?"

"I don't know." Alice sighed. "How are your parents? Am I gonna be fighting with them or we'll get along?" She saw most of his life when she grabbed his hands, but she didn't pay that much attention to those kind of details, besides by that she coulr only see his actions, not feelings or opinions.

"Well, that's a bit more complicated." FP couldn't label his parents as either easy to get on with or hard because it depended on the other person's attitude and he explained that to Alice.

"So how should I act around them?" Alice was wondering if there were certain things she could've done to make it easier on everyone.

"Just be yourself, they'll behave, I hope." FP loved his parents, he really did, but he was unsure on how they'd react around Alice, he didn't think they'd behave badly, but with them he never really knew.

The next morning FP and Alice appeared in front of his parents' enormous house. She looked at him and he realised how shocked she was. "What do they work again?"

"Their family founded Riverdale. They basically own the land here everywhere. Well Dad's side of the family founded the town." FP explained to Alice a bit more detailed before they knocked on the huge door and were let in by a maid.

"Hi Martha, right?" FP asked not sure if he remembered the name correctly, but he did. "I hope you're well. How's your son?"

"Learning to become a doctor thanks to your parents." Martha smiled. Her son was Alice's age and in medical school, he was doing his residency. "He loves it, it is hard but he loves it."

"I'm glad." FP smiled and he introduced Alice to Martha. "We'll take care of the luggage, don't bother." They were heavy and FP planned on taking them upstairs himself, but later Alice just had them there with the snap of her fingers. "Now my parents."

They walked into the living room since Martha informed them that Cassandra and Alexander were there. FP introduced them to each other only telling them their names at first, then he said a bit more about Alice. "She's my girlfriend and a witch. So Alice will help me with my problem."

"How?" Cassandra asked slightly skeptical about it while Alexander just watched them talk.

"Well I have a few books to study, more like a hundred. I'll see if I can find something there first." Alice told her thinking that there was no way there was no way no information about turning from werewolf to human wouldn't be there.

"What if you can't?" Cassandra asked and Alice told her she'd try and find some other way then, but until they had to they didn't have to worry about it. "Your girlfriend?" She turned to FP as she raised her eyebrows.

"Yes Mom." FP smiled as he wrapped an arm around Alice. She felt weird but not in a bad way. She only felt that way because she had never been introduced as someone's girlfriend. "It's all kind of new so it'd be great if we had some space."

"Hey." Alice playfully slapped his chest. "I mean yes, everything is new and space is great. But I also want to get to know the two of you too. I'm sorry if I seem to forward or something, but I'd like us to have a good relationship." Alice was direct because cutting corners and pretending to be something she wasn't were not things she liked to do.

"You're respectful, I like it." Cassandra said simply. "We'll be having dinner together if that's alright with you. Alexander and I have some things to do at town hall now."

"That's perfect, thank you."

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