(Chapter 1) Plans of the Teachers

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Many people wonder what teachers do on a Friday after school. Some may believe they do marking while others may believe they sleep at school. But not the four male teachers at Graminia Middle School.

Four teachers gathered at an underrated restaurant after school on a Friday. The first one was dressed in gray and had dark black hair that was combed down. His beard was a bit patchy but if you told him that, he would just angrily glare at you with his amber eyes. His dark eye brows were furrowed and he had his arms crossed. He was short but well built in the fact that he possessed toned muscles that you could see through his suit shirt. He was known as Mr Inglehart, or the rock as the teachers called him.

He was seated by a second teacher who was dressed in a normal suit, slightly more formal then the rest. He ran his hand through his short light brown hair. He had a clean shaven jaw and a slim body type. That didn’t make him athletic. The opposite actually, he was quite unable to play any sports that had to do with being active. His name was Mr Fraser and was probably the sanest one of the teachers.

The third teacher was slumped in a chair, empty cups of coffee littered about his seat. His redish- brown hair and patchy beard matched his lazy attitude. He was dressed in a poorly put together outfit, stains from coffee on the front of his blue jacket that he wore. He was a little on the chubby side but was skinny enough that you could pass it off as baby fat. Every one called him Mr West

The last Teacher was standing on his chair showing off the new pointy shoes he just bought. He had brown hair and a small goatee at the base of his chin. Even from far away you could tell that he had a lot of energy from the way he retold the stories of his weekend. "They have finished school here at youthful Graminia School!  We should celebrate!"  Mr. Lygo yelled jumping up in his chair. His pointy shoes and hair were glinting and his smile was unusually white. He was the type to get excited over every little thing. The other three teachers had learned right way to not say “youth” around him or else he will go onto a famous Lygo rant

"Lygo, they haven’t graduated yet,” Mr. Fraser Sighed trying to get a stain off of his suit jacket.  “I still have another month and a half of them.” He was the teacher that was dressed in the suit. Of them all, he was probably the most responsible even though he could be very childish at times. Like the time a student bet him that he couldn’t eat five rocks without gagging. Let’s just say he did it, and finished it with a big goofy smile on his face.

"All the more reason to celebrate this wonderfulness of youth!" Mr. Lygo proclaimed springing up from his chair. He rarely never sat down and when he did, it was only for a few seconds at a time because out of all of the students at Graminia Middle School, he was the most energetic. That was probably why he was the Physical Education teacher. All students dreaded his class not for the fact that he made him work out for hours but the fact that he did it with them. In orange spandex.

“So why are we celebrating now? Let’s throw some booze and when we are finished let’s take over the school.” The four teachers fell silent staring at the dark Mr. Inglehart, who normally didn’t contribute to these conversations. He saw the other three teachers looking at him weirdly “What? I already have a strategy” he was probably bullied in his childhood making him especially bitter. Why he even started teaching, no one knows. Some people thought that he did it to put himself through the pain of children while others thought that he came to teach to get his next vessel so that he could live immortally.

The three tears looked at the dark math teacher before shaking their heads at him. “We are not going to do that to our blossoms of youth!” Lygo shouted

"And what pray-tell do you have in mind?" Mr. West asked looking up from his seventh cup of coffee. He had a fresh cup of coffee placed in his abnormally large belly button. He wasn’t even trying to get the stain out of his jacket; after all, he was known for being the laziest person in the school. No one could argue with that. He gives extra credit to students who get him coffee in the morning and that’s how most people passed, relying on Mr. Wests unhealthy coffee obsession to get through the year.

"We "kidnap" them and force them to stay the night together in a tent!" the elf clad man exclaimed, his excitement bubbling over every second. “We will say that it is for a project and if you don’t stay there, you will fail the grade.”

"That is perhaps the dumbest idea I've ever heard of!" Inglehart criticized furrowing his brows and crossing his arms.

"Why would we do that?" West questioned, completely ignoring Inglehart’s comment. He turned to the waiter mumbling something about more coffee before looking back at Lygo.

"Wait, wait, let me guess, to allow their "spring time of youth" to blossom?" Fraser mocked Lygo. From when they were small, there was a rivalry between the two. Even though Fraser always beat Lygo at academics, Lygo beat Fraser at physical, making them equal in Fraser’s mind. But Lygo didn’t think so. He still thought of himself as lower to Fraser and then he swore that Fraser was his eternal rival and he was going to beat him no matter what. And that’s how Lygo ended up teaching at the exact same school as Fraser.

"Ah ha, my rival! You are so cool I can't compete with such awesomeness! You hit the nail right on the head!" Lygo showed his signature white grin to his rival. He struck a pose but got weird stares. Oblivious to it all, he continued to speak. "Imagine it, the younglings, gathering together in a completely awkward situation, probably not presentable. Their youth would HAVE to blossom!" he threw his hands wide, accidently catching a waitress in the face. She swore loudly at Lygo but Lygo ignored her. That or he just didn’t hear her.

"Well, all things considered, it is foolish; although, it would be so great to see them in a situation they have no control over," Fraser reasoned. “It will be good for real life” he was always the ne to think reasonably and that was probably why he was the English and Social teacher.

 "Yes! Then we'll do it! Tonight! Hurry all; we must get a giant tent set up! And plans, there must be plans!" Lygo yelled throwing his chair into a window. The window broke with a crash. He hopped out of the newly broken window. “Let’s go find the blossoms of youth!” he jumped off the building and hitting the street in a run, he sprinted away, completely ignoring the confused and horrified stares of the customers from the café.

Fraser followed Lygo then paused at the broken window to look at West and Inglehart. “Are you guys coming?” he asked.

“I prefer to take the stairs like normal people,” Inglehart said glaring. Well, glaring was what he looked like no matter what was going on.

“Elevator for me,” the lazy band teacher said, now drowning his tenth cup of coffee “Stairs take too much work” he shrugged and ambled off to the stairs.

“Suit yourself,” Fraser jumped at the window following Lygo.

West and Inglehart looked at each other before frowning “Lygo, get back in here!” West yelled when he saw the owner coming toward them.

“We are not paying for this window, idiot!” Inglehart said, facing the shop owner and staff “hehe, do you take slaves?” when the staff looked at him weirdly he grinned “I have some ties to the Chinese black market.”

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