(Chapter 4) Truth or Dare

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  When the girls woke up from the effects of the sleeping gas, the girls were thrust into a big tent. It was white and had no windows. Compared to normal tents it was quite luxurious. It had six king air mattresses fit into it. Grass poked out from under the canvas and the air was dry.

 “Why are we here? You kidnapped just to lead us to a large tent with beds in it and a table.” Sami groaned, effects still wearing off.  She was laying on top of Asha who looked like she was rubbing her temples but making no move to get up. Jessica was curled up in a ball and was singing softly, trying to get the headache out and jack was just sitting down and looking up a Fraser with a blank expression. He didn’t seem effected by this. Sami looked dazed at Fraser.

“We are in the middle of Africa, it looks like,” Carissa said looking out the tent flap. “We’ve been asleep for almost 24 hours. Our sleepover was on Friday. Today is Saturday.”

“How do you know we were in Africa?” asked West narrowing his eyes taking sip of coffee

“I hear things.” was all she offered

“I will kill you,” The Eve said through gritted teeth. She was practically fuming as she got up from the ground. Jessica stumbled up from the ground holding onto eves shoulder.

“Heh heh, now there The Eve. This doesn’t call for that. You need to stay her with few others and then it will be over!” West looked at them, a cup of coffee in his hands.

“What’s in it for us?” Carissa asked looking up at them, suspicious. “This has got to be against the law.”

“it isn’t if we have parent consent!” he smiled

“He didn’t,” Carissa groaned

“He did.” Asha groaned shaking her head

“if you don’t do this you will completely fail the grade and will have to repeat the grade.” Fraser said an evil grin on his face. Silence followed his words as the girls stared at him, dumbfound.

“We,” Jack growled “are screwed”

Just then the tent flap opened and Lygo appeared “Well hello my pretty blossoms of youth!” He stepped through the tent and let his companions come in. He saw the girl’s jaws drop as they watched Josh, Joey, Lorne, Liam, and Cael walk in.

He saw surprise radiate off the boys as they watched the girls. Sami was struggling to cover herself up and Eve started blushing. “Well, we will leave you guys to do whatever.” And just like that the teachers were gone.

“They are idiots! When they get back I swear I will kill them with my bare hands.” Cael mumbled

“I like unicorns!” Jessica yelled in the back ground but no one took notice to the girl.

“So we are stuck together for the night,” Jack finally said “And I don’t even know half of you.”

“I’m Jessica!" Jessica yelled from the background.

“Yes,” Jack snapped “I know that.”

 “I’m still bored” piped Josh quietly,

“NO ONE CARES!” Yelled Carissa

Jack grabbed a pillow and sat in a corner of the tent, Joey did the same, only in a different corner. Josh plopped down in front of the other guys and began talking rather loudly.

 The girls were horrified at the situation. It was okay to be in your pajamas with you friends but with boys you like…

Sami was first to recover, she sat down by Cael and Liam. She wasn't intimidated; the other girls sat down with her. A circle was formed, excluding Joey and Jack.

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