(Chapter 3) Dance of the Idiots

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"Cael, I'm bored." Josh said lounging on his bed. The tall boy was dressed in blue plaid pajamas and had a black shirt on. He was bleach blonde that came naturally for him and it had little curls. Josh had a bored expression on his face. Josh was the type of person who was just naturally nosy. He knew where everybody lived and everybody's pass words. He knew about family issues, crushes and many other things that he didn't tell. Unless it came at a price. Let's just say Josh wasn't going to give out information for free. When no one heard Josh, he repeated himself "I'm bored, Cael."

"Guess what Josh," Cael said, picking lint off of his green pajamas. "I don't care." Cael was an unusual name for an unusual boy. He was tall and skinny with short brown hair. He almost always wore green like the vegetable he was named after and sometime took a kale hat to school. He was weird and geeky but somehow everyone got along with him. Even though he was funny it got a little far when his jokes got to the vegetable category. Than it just got ridiculous.

"I think we should go out and eat," Josh said "I'm hungry"

"That requires walking, dude." Nick said taking off his hat and examining it. Had jet black hair and freckles on his skin He was dressed in basketball shorts and no shirt claiming that he was too lazy to put one on. He was probably the most laziest guy ever next to Mr. West. Except when it came to Sami. Just like almost every guy in his grade, he had fallen in love with Sami and didn't even try to hide it. He was head over heel s and once tried to creep on her sleep. Let's just say that ended with a broken arm and a fractured collar bone. "You know I'm too lazy to do that." Nick grunted

"You'll get over it, my blossom of youth!" Liam yelled, posing like Lygo.

"You've been spending too much time with Lygo, haven't you," Cael mumbled. It was true. Liam was Lygo's protégé. The two were inseparable. They went everywhere together. When one morning Liam showed up to school looking exactly like Lygo, the people weren't that surprised. They were the perfect duo. Liam wanted to be like Lygo when he grew up and adapted some of his ways like the enthusiasm and the 'youth blossom' speeches about concepts of youth. Lygo and liam looked exactly alike except liam wore glasses. He was actually quite good looking if you took away the lygo and added in some new clothes. Apparently, pink was not his colour.

Lorne lifted his head from where he was lying on the floor. "I'm a popular man whore. What if I get recognized?" He was dressed in just boxers, no shirt on. Lorne was popular among the ladies; that was no secret. He kept a girlfriend for a week before dumping her because she couldn't pleasure him anymore. Then he moved onto another. He was the ultimate player. And everybody knew that so he was slowly running out of available women. So he moved on to men. He did have good looks, that was true but he was a complete jerk and could treat you like dirt. It was rumored that he was a man whore but it hadn't been proven. Yet.

"I can't go out." Lorne wined to joey. Joey wore a bored expression all the time. Except when he was being a smart ass. Then he wore a smirk. He came to the school in grade three and then was immediately classified as a genius. He made it no secret that he could play sports very well too. He was blonde and tall with brilliant blue eyes and freckles dotting his pale skin. He was a basketball player so his body was well toned even though he wasn't that tall. Joey was the one who knew about Lorne's business and he didn't tell anyone.

Lorne now jumped up from his spot on the floor "I can't go out. I'm a popular man whore. What if I get recognized?"

"What do you mean? You love getting recognized." Joey asked a bored expression on his freckled face. He was wearing basketball shorts and a blue shirt.

"Yeah but remember that time when," Lorne continued to tell a story about this little kid wanted his autograph and tried to cross the street but got run over by five cars, a bus and a train.

"That never happened," Joey said glaring

"I know that!" Lorne shouted "but nothing exciting happens in my life!" joey raised an eyebrow "I want to do something fun!"

"You know where the fun is?" Nick asked Lorne "Out on the middle of the street."

Lorne wasn't the brightest bulb in the patch "What?! Yes! I will-" Just then Lygo burst in the room, the door falling down.

"WELL HELLO MY MALE BLOSSEMS OF YOUTH!" he yelled striking a pose, much like a ballet dancer. He sure had the flexibility of one too

Liam ran over to Lygo and through his hands around him, enveloping him in a hug "LYGO!"


"Oh LYGO!"




"Are you done your love fest?" Lorne said.

"Yeah, why are you in my house?" Nick said still too Lazy to open his eyes.

Inglehart stepped through the doorway "We are here to take you on an extracurricular activity." he wore an uncharacteristic smirk on his face.

The five boys looked at each other before trying to make a break for the window. unfoortuately, lygo was fast enough to stop them before they could escape. "COME WITH US EASY OR WE WONT USE THE GAS!"

The five guys stared at them. "You guys are complete idiots." Joey said standing up. "But since we have to do this, I will come." Joey paused "and the girls are a bonus."

The other guys stood, rolling their eyes "THAT IS HOW IT IS DONE, YOUTHLINGS!" Lygo marched out the door the boys trailing behind him. inglehart rolled his eyes and pulled out two bombs and threw them on the ground, exploding them into gas. The effects rubbed on the boys and one by one they fell to the ground, unconscious.

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