(Chapter 2) Beginning

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                 “Ahhhhhhhhh!” Five girls screamed, probably waking up the entire neighborhood with their wails. They looked at the TV, their eyes wide as the demon on screen grabbed the bloody girl and dragged her out of her bed. Then the credits came, signaling the end of paranormal activities.

                The five girls slowly let go of each other, panting hard. Their eyes were wide with terror, which goes to show how easily these girls were spooked. Silence was apparent among the five best friends as they tried to catch their breaths.  The first one to speak was Jessica, who was shaking uncontrollably. Out of the five, she was the one who was the most frightened about scary movies. But then again, it made sense. She was the type to commit a crime but never get caught because everyone thought she was innocent. She just had that look around her. She had an empty popcorn bowl on her head and she was huddled up in the corner of a large couch. “I don’t know about you, but I’m never watching scary movies again!” Jessica wailed “Now I want juice!” Jessica was wearing a yellow shirt and green knee length shorts. She had dirty blonde hair hat was cut off at her shoulders. She never wore it in a ponytail. She wanted to be “free.”

                “How can you think about freaking juice when we just watched the scariest movie ever?” Carissa yelled, “I have to pee so bad but the bathroom is in the dark hallway and the demon might get me!” Carissa was the shortest of the group and slimmest too. That was why she was called the little demon. Of maybe it was the fact that since she was so short she could disguise herself as a six year old and get into places only kids could go. Then she would do something chaotic like lighting the place on fire. But that’s what she was taught; after all she did have three siblings. She was dressed in long purple pajamas that had zebra print on it. She was wearing a light purple shirt and had a purple bow in her dark brown hair. Her hair was also shoulder length but a bit longer then Jessica’s. It was mistake at the hair dressers. They thought she was a kid and gave her a kid’s cut instead. That resulted in one less hairdresser’s in the world.

But since she was also terrified of movies she was gripping onto The Eve. Don’t ask The Eve why she is called that of she will pull out her hand gun. Of her shot gun. Or her pistol. Or her bow and arrows. Or her machete. Or she may tackle you if she’s in a good mood which was never. The Eve had a quiet personality but if she wanted to be heard, she would do any means necessary to make herself heard. Even if it means shooting a kid. The Eve was wearing camouflage pajama bottoms and a white shirt. She had brilliant orange hair that reached the small of her back and freckles along her arms and on her face. She liked to say she got a freckle for every soul she stole. Her friends didn’t doubt that.

                “Ribs!” howled Asha, sitting up in the couch.  Drool was coming from the side of her mouth and she blinked back the sleep. “I wasn’t sleeping!” she looked around, panicked. But of course she was sleeping. She could sleep through anything. Even the nuclear explosion The Eve caused. She actually was very hard working but only when she wanted to be. Which almost never. Asha was wearing a dark green shirt with the earth symbol on it. Her beige pajamas had little green unicorns on them. She had long light brown hair just a bit shorter than The Eve’s.

                Four girls stared at her “Don’t tell me you were actually sleeping through that!”  The Eve asked with growl.

                “What? I’m innocent!” yelled Asha throwing her hands up

                “As innocent as a button on steroids,” Sami, the fifth party said glaring at Asha with slotted eyes. She ran a hand through her blond hair. She was just wearing a bra and under wear, claiming she ‘had no shame’. That said a lot about her character. She was quite rude and careless which she deemed it as ‘honest’ and that’s probably she was forced to run away from England after she insulted the queen on her droopy boobs. She was quite popular in the school because of her butt and looks but she dissed most of those people and just hung out with her friends. She let go of Asha, leaving behind marks.

Just then there was a knock at the door. “I’ll answer it!” screeched Jessica jumping up off of the couch. She ran to the door and flung it open revealing Asha’s brother, Jack. Asha spoiled him so much that he turned into an arrogant prick. Even though he was only two years younger than his sister, Asha was overprotective of him which got extreme sometimes. For the most part he was quiet but when you spoke to him he dissed you pretty quickly. Still, he was popular with the ladies because everyone thought he was a genius because he was the only sane one in the school. Asha literally has to fight off these fangirls because they tried to glomp him in his sleep. It didn’t help much that he was tall and blonde. Jack had on a John Deere shirt and jeans.

“Hey,” he mumbled “Asha, you forgot your unicorn,” He held up a purple unicorn that had rib stains on it “mom made me bring it to you or else she said she would punch me right in the kidney.” Another thing about the siblings was that their parents were insane. Well actually one of them was. The other was sane and that’s where Jack got is genes from. Asha wasn’t so lucky.

                “Omg! Thank god you showed up!” yelled Asha as she ran toward her brother and yanking the unicorn out of his hands. “Wanna come in?” Jack nodded and walked through the door and sat on the couch. Asha’s friend didn’t mid nor did they feel awkward. He was practically like their little brother because Asha forced him to come to their houses so many times, it felt like he was there more than she.

                The Eve reached down to pop in another scary movie, replacing it with the last. She turned to Jessica “Thank goodness your parent aren’t home or we-“ She was cut off as someone burst through the door. He was masked and held a large bag in his hands. They screamed and sprung up thinking it was a demon because of the movie they just watched. Jack dint scream though. He claimed that he was too cool for that.

Another masked figure stumbled through the door, holding a cup of coffee. “Don’t scream.” He mumbled trying to take a sip out of his coffee. Unfortunately for him, he had to take off his mask to drink it. He pulled it off and took a longing sip of the caffeinated substance,”Mmmm” he groaned

                “Mr. West?” the five girls yelled. Jack just sat on the bed, his face expressionless like he had been expecting it all along.

The other guy looked at west “You stupid lard!” he yanked off his mask reveling light brown hair and a clean shaven face.

                “Mr. Fraser!” they yelled, even more confused.

             “What are you doing in my house?!” yelled Jessica pointing an accusing finger at them “Were you going to try to see us naked? PERVERTS!” she shrieked at them

                The teachers looked at each other confused. Then in the blink of an eye, West took out two marbles and threw them on the ground with a splatter then green smoke came out of it. West and Fraser quickly put on their masks as the gas enveloped them.

                Realization dawned on Sami first “This is sleeping gas! I don’t wanna go to sleep!”

                “I don’t care.” Fraser said. He watched the five girls and Jack fall to the floor. They tried to struggle but soon fell silent.

                The teachers walked out the door. The plan had begun

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