(Chapter 6) Cactus Juice

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“So thirsty,” Josh  complained. They had been walking along the road for hours and the day wasn’t getting any cooler.

“I know.” Groaned Asha, running a hand through her hair. The boiling sun shone down on her skin “I feel sunburn coming on!” it was true that her skin was pink. It didn’t help that her skin was very fair and she got many sunburns a year.

“I come from a family of redheads,” Joey grumbled “do you see me complaining about my sun burns?”

“You just did, youthful Joey,” Liam panted, to tired to even shout.

“Are we there yet?” asked Carissa who was leaning on Jessica. The boys had all taken their shirts off and the girls groaned because they had to keep them on.

Joey’s eye twitched “For the seventeenth time, NO!”

“MY YOUTHLINGS! COME OVER HERE!” the five teens turned to where Liam stood next to a spikey green cactus. Its prickles were red and it had a yellow flower on it. He quickly sliced it open with a sharp stick he had picked up from the ground. “There is water trapped in this plant of YOUTH!”

Jessica, Carissa, Asha rushed over to Liam leaving an annoyed Joey and a clueless Josh. “Idiots, I don’t think you should-” Too late. The four had already put the liquid to their mouths.

“Stop, you idiots. You shouldn’t be drinking strange liquids.” Joey said.

“Yeah, I agree,” Josh said

Asha looked up. “Suit yourself, bro. it’s really thirst quenching.” Just then her pupils dilated. Her cheeks turned really red. Joey looked alarmed at the others only to find the same result.

The four looked at each other and then started laughing really loud. They jumped around and did cartwheels. Joey rolled his eyes “I heard that some plants make you woozy in the head,” he grumbled to Josh “We have to keep moving,” Joey grabbed the hand closest to him. Bad idea.

“Don’t touch me, freak!” Jessica exclaimed jarring her hand out of his grasp. “I want Carissa to hold my hand.” she held out her hand to the equally drunk Carissa. Carissa giggled and started poking her.

“Okay, here is what we are going to do!” joey yelled “idiots, we are going to make a long chain. Everybody hold hands!” he watched in satisfaction as his orders were carried through. He took the lead carrying his friends across the dry earth.

“Jessie, you’re my best friend.” He heard Asha call to her friend.

“Don’t call me Jessie, Ash-eye!” she slurred “I’m deaf!”

“Woah!” Carissa yelled “CAN YOU HEAR ME BLIND GIRL?!”

 Joey rolled his eyes at his friends antics. “This is going to be a really, really long day,” he thought, rolling his eyes “idiots”

“How far did you say we are from the village?” josh asked joey, from the back of the line

“We will be there in a few hours.” Joey said. Trying to pry off Asha who a flung her hands around him.

“Heyyy Carissa, my youth blossom.  Yurr purrdy.” Liam slurred, drunk

“Thanks, dude,” Carissa giggled, equally drunk “yurr purdy too.”

“Yeah, let’s get married, my youth blossom of the sea” Liam giggled

“Yes!” Carissa shouted jumping up and down “let’s have six thousand and five children!”

“That’s the most youthful number I can think of!” laughed Liam

Joey sighed and tried to pry Asha off of him after she had glomped him and tried to stuff his face in her boobs. He put a hand on her face and another on her stomach and then pushed her off of him. She lay a few feet away in a crouch panting.

“Damn, Joey, you know you want me,” she winked

And joey just sighed.

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