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Earth, Fire, Air, Water
When I was young, My Mom told me the Story of how my Grandpa and his friends with Gran-Gran save all people in the One Hundred Year War and Grandpa Aang and Fire Lord Zuko made a city name United Republic of Nations or Republic City but sadly Grandpa died when I was 5 .

Warning: The characters maybe OCC hehe
5 years old

Warning: The characters maybe OCC hehe---------------5 years old

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Mayu's POV:

I was opening my eyes. I was scared since Mama is not here and it's so dark

  Until I saw a Old man holding a Lamp.

  Until I saw a Old man holding a Lamp

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Mayu: Who are You?

The old man laugh loudly and said

Iroh: My name is Iroh, Mayu.

Mayu: How do you know my name?!

Iroh: Because I saw you when you were brought by this world.

Mayu: What's That?

Iroh: It means that *exhales* I will tell you when you grow up.

Mayu: Why?

Iroh: Because your still young do you want some tea?

Mayu: Can I have Jasmine Tea?

Iroh: Of Course*happy tone*

We walk through the Forest until we reached to an old cabin.

Iroh brought a a teapot and a teacup that was made by an old clay

Mayu; what type of clay is that?

Iroh: It was made long time ago when the first avatar lived so maybe an ordinary clay made by The First Avatar.

Mayu: Wow*sparkly eyes*

When Iroh gave me the Tea it was delicious that I finished it by 1 second.

Mayu: Wow it's Tasty

Iroh; Thank You Mayu but for now someone wants to see you.

Mayu: Huh?

I saw was all mist until I see Grandpa Aang


I hug him tight I miss him so much.

Aang; Hello There Mayu I missed you so much.

Mayu: Me too Grandpapi.

Aang; do you want to play Air Scooter hmm?

Mayu: Yes!

Me and Grandpa played for hours and we play Pai Sho.

until I saw a little black even Granpa see it.

Mayu; What's Happening?!.

Aang; Your waking up now Waterfall.

Mayu: But i don't want too.

Aang It's Okay you can see me again okay*reassuring tone*

Mayu: Okay Grandpa bye*sad tone*

Aang:p Good bye waterfall.

Until I saw Fully Black.

Dream End

3rd POV

Lin was working with her paper works until she felt a heart racing fast she stands up runs to Mayu's Room and check on her she saw Mayu breathing hard. and Mayu said something unbelievable.

Mayu; I saw Grandpapi Mama I saw him.

Lin was shocked and hug her and tells her.

Lin; I believe you Mayu. I know you saw him. Now go back to sleep.

Mayu: Okay mama*sleeps back*

Lin kisses Mayu's forehead and goes to her office and calls Katara.

Lin; I have news Katara.

Katara: What is it?

Lin; Mayu saw Aang.


                                                                           458 Words



How's your day 

Is it good or bad 

and please be happy all the time so no radiating boring aura hehe


Waterfall (TLOK x OC Reader Fanfic)[slow update and ongoing]Where stories live. Discover now