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Hello, I'm making this story devoted to my crazy ideas hehe and please if you want to request something like a special chapter hehe.
Earth, Fire, Air, Water
When I was young, My Mom told me the Story of how my Grandpa and his friends with Gran-Gran save all people in the One Hundred Year War, and Grandpa Aang and Fire Lord Zuko made a city name United Republic of Nations or Republic City but sadly Grandpa died when I was 5 .

Warning: The characters may be OCC hehe
Mayu POV:

I was riding back home from school another stress today luckily the kids there are behaving not like that student before.

I don't own the picture-------------Still Mayu POV

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I don't own the picture
Still Mayu POV

And now I'm going to mom's work since It was close.

Mayu: *opens the door and close it*

Some of The Metalbending Cops Greet me and I greet them back.

Mayu: Saikhan Good Afternoon.

Saikhan: Afternoon Mayu. What do you want?

Mayu: Can I go to Mamu's office if that's okay.

Saikhan: okay you can go but don't disturb her.

Mayu: I will.

And now I'm walking through the office and wait there for a while.

Mayu: *Yawns* I will take a nap it's tiring earlier.

I go to the sofa and slept.
Lin POV:

When Tenzin is done talking to Korra he said

Tenzin:[Cut to a side shot of Tenzin and Lin; calmly.] Always a pleasure, Lin. and please tell Mayu I say Hi to her [He turns; in a hard tone.] Let's go, Korra.

Lin:[Aggresively] No 

The scene shows Korra follows Tenzin, still rubbing her wrists. As she passes, both eye each other in discontent. Cut to a frontal shot of Chief Beifong, as she points with her index and pinkie at her eyes and back to Korra, glaring at her. Switch to Lin's point of view, as the metal wall moves aside again to let Tenzin and Korra out. Korra eyes Lin in malcontent. Angered, Korra bends over and exaggeratedly and mockingly mimics Lin's gesture that she will keep an eye on her, before picking up speed and leaving the room with an upheld head. Cuts to Lin, bewildered by what happened. She sticks up her nose and assumes a dismayed look while crossing her arms again, grunting softly.

Lin:[sighs] maybe she here today [sighs again]

I walk back to my office and see Mayu sleeping.

I knock on the  table to wake her up

Mayu:[ sleepily] Mamu

Lin: Hi there how's your day?

Mayu: Good and tiring Ma

Lin; Just take a rest okay.

Mayu just hums and goes back to sleep.


4 hours later

3rd POV

Mayu and Lin goes back to their apartment and ate dinner.

Mayu: What happened earlier

Lin: The Avatar arrived caused havoc and got arrested for a while and saw your father.

Mayu: Oh I'm sorry that you need to bring up Father.

Lin: don't worry your just asking and tomorrow you don't have any work right?

Mayu: Yeah but I'm gonna miss those kiddos on school hehe~

Lin: How about Iroh II is he fine right?

Mayu: He's just busy being The General sometimes needs hard work.

Lin: I know you met him on the harbor hmm 

Mayu: Yeah

Lin and Mayu were eating in silence until Mayu said something to Lin.

Mayu: Mamu can I go to the Air temple Island tomorrow is that okay?

Lin; just prepare something for defense kay

Mayu: Okay

Mayu POV:

I'm writing Iroh today since I missed him so much. And Mom keeps teasing me about it

Dear Iroh

How's your day on the ship? Are you sick or not? If you're sick please take of yourself if we meet again we can cuddle each other like the old times maybe visit you on the harbor when you stop by I Miss You Iroh please take care of yourself and maybe I'm gonna give you a gift hehe please answer back and I love you so much that I wish I can water bend hehe.

-Mayu Beifong

Knock Knock

Lin: Kiddo The Avatar is showing herself later on City Hall

Mayu: okay Ma

I was dressing up until Mamu is knocking on the door hardly.

Lin: Mayu please dress up fast!

Mayu: Okay Ma!

When I was done I and ma go to the back of the people in front and listen to what Korra says.

Korra: Hello? [The microphones screech.] I'm Korra, [She takes a deep breath. The scene switches to a back shot of her with Naga at her right, as the camera pans to the right to reveal the cheering crowd.] your new Avatar.

Male Journalist#1: [Cut to a journalist with a notepad, as he raises his hands.] Does this mean you've moved to Republic City?

Female Journalist: [Cut to a close-up of a female journalist wearing glasses.] Were you trying to send a message to the Triads yesterday?

Male Journalist#2: [Cut to another journalist as he raises his hands.] Will you be fighting crime or the Anti-bending Revolution, or both?

Male Journalist#3; [Cut to a close-up of another journalist.] Will you be working with Chief Beifong and the police?

Korra: [Cut to a confused-looking Korra.] Uh ... yes, I am definitely here to stay, but honestly I - I don't exactly have a plan yet. [Apologetically.] See, I'm still in training, but, look, all I know is [Camera slowly moved in on Korra.] Avatar Aang meant for this city to be the center of peace and balance in the world, and I believe we can make his dream a reality. [Broader shot reveals that Lin and Tenzin are also on the podium; more confidently, raising her arm.] I look forward to serving you!

All the crowd goes wild, and all the journalists take photographs of her but we didn't know what is lurking in the dark.

Waterfall (TLOK x OC Reader Fanfic)[slow update and ongoing]Where stories live. Discover now