Chapter 5

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It's 1:50 by the time we get on the road and the airport is fifteen minutes away. Luckily there is no traffic so we won't have to worry about it.

"So what kind of emergency is at 1:30 that we have to fly across the country for?"

"Nellie needs me. Ashley called me telling me that Nell got absolutely hammered at a party confessing everything. She needs me, and I need to be the one there for her."

"So she needs you? You actually got her to say it back to you?" I nod and pull into the cheapest parking garage in Zone 2. to pick us up.

"Hurry up." I lock the doors and we go and wait for the bus to pick us up.

"Bro, we aren't going to miss the plane. The bus will be here soon, and there isn't going to be anyone at the airport, so we'll be fine." I hear the bus coming towards us and Aiden chuckles,

"See I told you." I smile and see Nahla texted me.

*Went to Diego's grave today. Mom even came with. We miss you a lot Jake. When are you coming to visit us?*

I stopped talking to Nahla after our incident a few months ago. There's just too much drama that comes along with that family. They all keep trying to bring me back into the family, and I'm done. I delete the message from Nahla and look out to the bus.

"Chill dude, everything is going to work out. " We grab our bags and load them onto the bus. The man driving nods at us as we walk towards some seats.

"Where ya'll headed to? It's pretty early to be getting on a plane."

"Los Angelas. My girlfriend lives out there and we're surprising her with a visit." A smile spreads across my face and mimics to his.

"That's incredible! Good luck with her!" We sit down right behind him, and he begins telling us some stories of the people that have walked through his bus. Before long he pulls in front of the airport.

"Good luck man!" He yells as we leave the bus. The airport is basically empty besides the people behind the desk. I walk over to Southwest Airlines where a middle aged man named Brett is behind the counter.

"How can I help you?"

"Yes I just ordered two tickets to Los Angeles at 3:30." He nods and looks through his computer for our flight.

"Here it is." He clicks something on the computer then goes to the computer to grab them.

"When you book your returning flight, you'll be able to print them right away instead of wasting your time going to the counters. Have a safe trip, and you'll be in Zone D, Gate 2." He hands me the tickets and I give him a smile.

"Thank you so much. Have a good one." Aiden and I run to the escalators and run up them. I was right that the entire airport is empty. We find our zone and look to see what time it is; 2:15. Security goes by in a breeze and before we know it we're grabbing something to eat.

"I'm sleeping this entire flight, and if you try to stop me I will kill you." Aiden says while we walk towards the gate.

"Thanks for coming with me man. I really appreciate it." He nods and punches my arm.

"Don't get all soft on me here, I need a vacation from all of this snow so I'm not doing this for you." He laughs and we walk up to the desk.

"We're stil awaiting the plane sir so please be seated and we'll let you know when it's ready." We both nod and sit down.

"Should I call Ashley?" Aiden gets up and walks over to the window to look outside.

"Probably just so that she'll know around what time we'll get there." I nod and pull my phone out of my pocket and dial her number. After two rings she picks up.


"Aiden and I are at the airport, and our plane takes off in an hour. How's Nellie doing?" She laughs.

"Well she's on her fourth shot of patron because Jackson thought it'd be a good idea. But I'm cutting her off after this one, because that shit is dangerous. Other than that she's been fine with the occasional cry sob story about how much she misses you. Then she'll go to the bathroom, fix her makeup and be right back to normal wanting more alcohol. She'll thank me when you're here to hold her hair back while she's puking her guts out." Nellie can hold her alcohol back more then anyone I know. Honestly it's insane because she's only 110lbs and can hold her drinks better than Aiden and I combined. I have no idea how, but it's strange to watch. Before the accident we used to party all the time and she'd never feel a thing.

"Then do I worry about her new best friend patron?" Nellie and I only shot patron on a few short occasions. Her first time she only got one shot and puked it right back up. A few weeks later she wanted to try it again, and she knocked down seven.

"Nellie and I only shot patron a few times, her limit was seven because I stopped her. I honestly would keep her away from the heavy shit for the rest of the night."

"Yes sir." She laughs.

"Text me the address to your dorms. I'll give it to the cab driver when we land. I know her hangovers suck so make sure she stays asleep,"

"Trust me I'm her best friend, I think I know just as well as you do. I have to go back to the party to check on her. See you soon!" I hang up and go sit down next to Aiden.

"How long is this flight?"

"About five and a half hours." Aiden groans at my response. I notice a group of people walking towards us, and a guy with his girlfriend arguing about something.

"This always makes the airports interesting." Aiden whispers as they walk over towards us.

"I get that the flight attendent was hot, but it would've been nice if you wouldn't have checked her oout in front of me!"

"I didn't check her out! Fiona why can't you just listen to me! I want to be with you! Stop picking these stupid fights with me!" Aiden bursts out laughing at them, and honestly I don't blame him. Were Nellie and I like that? Our arguements used to get so heated I thought one of us would explode! The crazy thing is that was what we used to live for. After we both let out our steam we'd be stronger than ever before.

"What are you thinking about?" I turn and look at Aiden who's ready for me to say something.

"Just before the accident Nellie and I used to fight like that. We'd used to yell and scream until there was nothing left for either of us to argue about. It's crazy because it feels like it was so long ago when it really wasn't. Sometimes I just wonder where we'd be if she wouldn't have gotten in that car and driven away. I should've went after her Aiden. Instead I let her walk away. One day, I'm terrified that one day she's going to realize how terrible I am and leave. I hope that day doesn't come, but I know Nellie. She's going to get tired of my shit and leave. That's Nellie and one day I think it'll be for good."


Hey loves!

So sorry that it's been so long but here it is!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2015 ⏰

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