Chapter 4

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"It's okay Jake."

"No it's not Nellie. It's not his place to be able to tell you that. Dad was my fucking problem. He didn't even know anything that happened, he left Nellie! He doesn't even remember what happened!" He yells.

"Jake?" Don't give in and tell him. It's only been four months, we both need more time.

"Please calm down." He nods.

"I'm going to go grab a beer." He gets up and I'm left alone staring at his couch while he's gone. I didn't mean to upset him, I just wanted him to know so he wouldn't yell. I guess either way he was going to get upset by the fact that Aiden told me and he didn't. I don't understand why he gets defensive so fast.

Aiden goes through the camera in the kitchen.

"Stop yelling at her. At least she told you instead of not saying anything."

"I told you not to tell her! I was going to tell her about everything! Now you just messed everything up!"

"Jake please." I try to calm him, but I know that when he's angry there really is no escape.

"Not now Nellie." Tonight was supposed to go a lot better then this, instead we're back to square one.

"Call me when you calm the fuck down. Better yet, just don't call me anymore Jake." I hang up the call and turn off my computer. Maybe this isn't going to work, but then again I have no idea what I'd do without him.

My phone starts ringing, but I have no motivation to talk to either of them. I throw the shortest dress on and a pair of heels. My phone keeps ringing while I'm getting ready, but I just ignore it. They've exhausted me to the max and I don't have energy to deal with them anymore tonight. I grab my phone and dial Ashley's number, and it rings twice before she answers.

"Hey baby whatcha doing?"

"You wanna go to Jackson's apartment? He invited me earlier this week, and I need some alcohol."

"Bad day huh?"

"Hurry up! I'll be at your door in five." I hang up and finish fixing my hair. I grab my keys and shut the lights off. I plug my phone in the wall and write to Larissa,

*Gone to Jackson's. Had a rough night. XO*

I lock the door and go across the hallway to Ashley's dorm. My fists bang against her door.

"Just let me finish my makeup and I'll be ready." I go to sit on her bed when I see her head sticking out of the door.

"Do I even want to know what happened?"

"I'll just sum it up for you. I was skyping Jake and I told him about Aiden's letter. He got really upset and started yelling at Aiden and I. So I told him to calm the fuck down, and to not bother calling me. I left my phone iin my room so I don't text him while I'm drunk." She high fives me and finishes her makeup.

"Good for you girl! You need to show him who's boss!" She begins to put her eye liner on and looks away.

"Like I respect Jake for staying with you for so long, but the boy is always angry. Eventually he's really going to take it out on you and all of this is going to come crashing down." What if she's right? What if next time he really does hurt me?

"I'll be right back." I get up off the bed and leave the room. Jake would never hurt me like that. I'm positive he wouldn't. I open my door and go straight to my phone.

Eight new voicemails.

Six of them from Jake, and two from Aiden. I call my voicemail and immediatly hear Jake's voice.

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