Chapter 1

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I jolt awake at the sound of my alarm; it's nine o'clock. My first class doesn't start until eleven thirty but I'm meeting Ashley for Starbucks. My roommate Larissa has class at eight so she's already in class. We're in college, why would you schedule your classes so early? I pull the covers down and get out of bed. A pounding migraine has been on and off for the past two days but I'm starting to think I'm just getting sick. Should I call Dr. Manuel? No, because then he'll worry too much. What if there is something wrong? I keep battling back and forth with myself on whether or not to call him.

I finally decide to just drink a lot of water and see how I feel tomorrow. We got the lucky dorms with our own bathroom. I walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower. I quickly get in and out of the shower in ten minutes, then brush and dry my hair. There's no need to even put make-up on because it doesn't do anything. I'm just stuck being pale. I slip on a pair of black ankle jeans, my Hakuna Matata crop top, and a pair of flip flops. It's March now, but it's not as warm as it should be. I love it here because it's not as humid and muggy as Florida. One last look in the mirror before I grab my backpack and leave. I lock the dorm and walk down the hallway to the stairwell. We're on the second floor, and surrounded by a bunch of sluts. It's only a five minute walk to Starbucks which is nothing bad. I like the exercise, since I don't need to bother doing it. It's sixty degrees today which to everyone else means wear sweatshirts and sweatpants. Starbucks is coming into view when my phone starts ringing. I look down and see that it's Jake.


"Hey Nell, is now a good time to talk or should I just call you later?"

"I can talk for a few minutes, I'm meeting Ashley at Starbucks before class."

"I can call later? What time works best for you?"

"I work until nine, but I can take my break at seven-thirty. Can I just call you during my break?" Please say yes, it's been two weeks since we've actually had a conversation and I miss you.

"I can make that work, it'll be around eleven thirty here, but that's okay. I'm sorry I haven't called, I've been super busy with school and work. I just have something quick to tell you then you can go. Mason got me a fight a few nights ago and I won! I won about seven hundred dollars just for one fight! It's a pretty awesome feeling Nell."

"Well congrats! Maybe I'll come and see one soon?"

"That would be amazing! Alright I'll let you go. Have fun with your classes today. Bye!" He hangs up and I look and my phone smiling big because of how big of a dork he is. I wonder if he does the same? A man that looks about thirty is walking out the same time I'm going in so he holds the door open for me.

"Thank you." He nods and walks to his car. I see Ashley inside on her phone talking to someone so I decide to sneak up and surprise her.

"You little bitch!" She pushes me back and says goodbye to the person on the phone.

"I thought it was pretty funny"

"Yeah for you! You're lucky I peed before I got in line!" I smile and wait for her to grab her coffee.

"Any news from Jake?"

"He actually called me this morning while I was walking here. He told me he'd call me later since I was going to see you. He gave me good news that Mason got him a fight a few nights ago and he won seven hundred dollars. So that was good that his fights are finally paying out now. It just hurts because I miss him so much that I can't describe. I know it's only been four months, but I want him back."

"Why don't you tell him that? If it hurts so much to be so far away from him then tell him that! He's waiting for you to tell him that you need him. He told you that he'll always be ready for you to call him and tell him you need him, or you can always write it? He wrote you a letter now you do the same to him." How can I tell him? I love him but we both said space was needed. I wonder if he feels as poorly as I do. Does he think about me as much as I do him? I grab my phone twenty thousand times thinking that I should call him but decide against it. Does he go through all of our pictures wishing that we were together?

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