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It's been three months since I've moved to Los Angeles. I got a job as an architect which will let me design homes and help people's dreams become a reality. Jake calls once a week to make sure that I'm doing okay. Aunt Julie and I have been getting along really well, and she has a four year old yellow lab named Dakota. He's in love with me, and slept with me every night. Jake's in college for criminal justice just like he was planning. Neither of us have decided to see other people, and personally I don't plan on it. I spent the night with him at his apartment and some things lead to another. I don't take back a single thing that happened that night, I just wish he wouldn't have left the next day. Having him leave me alone at the airport hurt; a lot. He took my heart with him, and I'm not sure when I'm ever going to get it back. Aiden finally admitted to being in love with Rayne, but he refuses to tell her. Jake and I don't skype as much as we used to, only because we both work and go to school. On top of that I'm three hours behind. When he calls I'm at my internship, and it's hard because I want to tell him everything about my day, but I never get the chance. It's complicated because I miss him so incredibly much, but I know this space is something that we need. Jake is also getting help with his anger, and has opened up to Aiden about everything that has happened. Mikah moved to Philly to become a professional swimmer and took Onyx with him. I haven't heard much from him other than when he left.

Rayne is still working beside Dr. Manuel, and John begged for another chance but she simply said,

"I'm in love with someone else." And we all know who that was; Aiden.

I figured she would find her feelings for him soon enough. My hair is to my shoulders now, and my scars are still there just not as visible anymore. My eyes finally stand out and aren't covered by dark circles. I gained a little bit of weight, but not enough since I'm still classified underweight. It's not that I don't eat, it's just that I can't seem to gain anything no matter how much I eat. I enrolled in the University of Southern California and have an internship with a high ranking architect. School is difficult because I'm still not very outgoing and I'd rather be by myself. I've made one major friend, Ashley Keeley. We have most of the same classes together and her dorm room is right across from mine. My mom and Miles haven't said much since I left. Miles emails me every once and awhile asking how I'm doing. Grandma's getting sicker and not getting much better, but she's still moving along. Miles talks about coming to visit me once mom realizes how crazy she's been and how she's seperated our entire family, but we all know that will never happen.

Today is the day that marks month four since I've seen Jake, and it worries me that he doesn't keep trying to call me or even text me. But this was my idea, I chose the space and made it so much farther than it would've. Every day I question why did I decide to leave, but then something happens that makes me forget about how much I really miss him.


Here's the beginning of a whole new chapter for Nellie and Jake!

I'm sorry the prologue is so short but I wanted you guys to see what's changed in their lives since they both said goodbye in Florida.

Anyways, the first chapter will be up tomorrow! Vote/ Comment



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