My Overprotective Dad (cs)

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NOTE: Let me know if you want a part 2 but it may take a while. Sorry for not updating in a while and please give me some requests.

CONTEXT: Set in season 3 if pan never swished body's with henry and stayed in Neverland so Emma and Henry never went to new York. 2 months after they got back from Neverland.

LONG: 4207 words

Emma's POV

It's been 2 months. 2 months since we saved Henry. 2 months since we got of the cursed island they call Neverland. 2 months since we had a villain to fight. 2 months since I kissed Hook. That last one stayed with me for a while. Why did I do that? I kept asking myself that question over and over since it happened but now its very clear. I love him. Emma Swan is in love with Captain Hook.


Neal asked me on a date. I'm meant to be there now. Everyone wants me to be there but I don't know if I want to be with him again! I don't want him to hurt me again. I want to stop running and let people in and I'm finally getting there. I'm letting Henry in and my parents, I'm beginning to trust them but I don't know if I'm ready to let Neal in. He might just make me want to put my wall up again and this time no one will be able to bring it down.

The ocean has been my saving grace in all of this madness. I come here to think or I have been recently. I used to go to my bug, I don't know why its changed but at the moment I don't really care.

"Isn't Granny's that way?" A familiar voice asks interrupting my thoughts. I look behind me to see David.

"Did Neal send you?" I ask him.

"No he has no idea I'm here." He says walking towards me, "But when I saw him sitting at a table alone I wanted to make sure you were ok. Are you?"

"Yea I'm fine." I reply quickly.

"Emma-" David starts but I interrupt him.

"I'm just not sure I want to get back with him. Bad things do keep happening and I don't want to get hurt again." He sits down next to me.

"Bad things may keep happening but so do good things. But if you think like that you miss out. There's more to life than just looking for the next fight. You know you gotta look for the moments."

"Moments?" I question.

"Yes. Life is made up of moments good ones bad ones but there all worth living."

"Well I seem to be a magnet for the bad ones."

"Then all the more reason to look for the good moments in between the bad ones."

"And you think having a lunch date with Neal would be a good moment."

"I don't know. Does He eat with his mouth open?" He jokes managing to make me smile.

"I'm still not sure I'm ready."

"Well what's the harm in finding out? Come on I'll give you a lift to Granny's." He says getting up and linking my arm with his when a thought enters my head.

"Are you sure you don't have other reasons for pushing me toward Neal?"

"Like what?" He asks

"I don't know keeping me away from Hook?"

"You think I'm interested in Hook? Emma I'm a married man!" He jokes again. He really needs to stop with the dad jokes there getting old now. He still didn't answer the question though I thought to my self as we got in the truck and headed to Granny's.


Now I'm sat in a booth across from a very happy Neal with David who looks very proud of himself sat at the bar watching us trying to be stealthy. Emphasis on the word trying. Neal's talking to me but I don't hear him because at that moment a depressed looking pirate walks into the diner and sits at the bar and orders a drink.

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