Movie Night (All)

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CONTEXT: Set after the black fairy but robin never died. 

MEDIUM: 1172 words.

Night 1: Snow white.

Emma's POV

It was Henry's idea. I love that kid but he really has some bad ideas sometimes. I am the only one who thinks that though. Being the only one who actually watched the movies growing up I know this will not go down well. They read books or had cursed memories of reading the books but the books are a lot different to the movies. 

That is how I am sat in my living room with my entire family getting ready to watch snow white and the seven dwarves, with Snow white. I refused to let the dwarves in here it would have gotten way too crowded. 

By my entire family I mean, Me, Henry, Killian, Mum, Dad, Baby Neal, Baby Robyn (Zelina thought Robin was dead and called her that but he came back a few months later but it was too late to change her name,) Adult Robin, Regina and Zelina. Belle and Gold were invited but they said they were a bit busy with Gideon. I think they would just rather be anywhere else and to be honest I don't blame them. 

"It's starting. It's starting!" My mother yells shushing everyone. I prepare myself for the hell ahead. 

"What?" My mum exclaims when she sees herself singing while scrubbing the floors. "I thought I was a princess in this, why am I scrubbing the floors." 

"Is that me?!" My dad shouts. I groan and said,

"I told you this was a bad idea." 

"On the contrary I really like this I think its amazi- WAIT WHAT THAT IS NOT ME I DO NOT LOOK LIKE THAT?!" Regina half laughed half shouted. 

"Don't worry. You're beautiful." Robin tells her and she actually smiled. 

"Haha. No your not." Killian said teasingly earning a death glare from Regina. 

"Can we just watch the movie?" I asked

"Awww I was enjoying that." Zelina said disappointed. I rolled my eyes and laid my head on Killian's shoulder. 

We were at the part with the forest and the huntsman. Regina had made a remark about the fact that she didn't want to kill snow because she was more beautiful than her because that was ridiculous. Like wanting to kill her because a ten year old spilled a secret isn't ridiculous. 

"I can handle myself in the woods I don't get that scared." My mum shouted. I heard Killian chuckle into my hair. 

By the end of the movie my dad was in outrage...

"I barely said or did anything! I didn't just kiss a random person in the woods we went through so much more! They didn't even get the part where I hung her in a net."

"Or the bit where I hit you in the head with a rock." My mother said.

"Ok lets go out of my house I have things to do." I said. I had had enough.

Everyone got up to leave and that's when we realized Henry fell asleep. I don't know how he did with all the screaming but he is Henry. 

Night 2: The wizard of OZ

Back at it again. It's been a week since the atrocious movie night we had and now we are all sat in the loft getting ready to watch wizard of oz. Zelina had already commented on the fact that she got rid of the wizard ages ago and that it should be called Zelina the Wicked which of OZ. 

I left Henry at home because I have a feeling this one may get a little violent. 

"What is this why are they all braking out into song?" Zelina shouted waving her arms around when it got to the 1st song. "And why do I look like an old hag?" She added. 

"Hey at least yours has actual people." Dad commented.

"Well I'd rather it didn't could they have picked an uglier person to play me?" Zelina rebutted. 

"They could have picked Regina." Killian mutters under his breath chuckling but everyone heard it. 

"SAY THAT AGAIN PIRATE I DARE YOU!" Regina screamed at him a fireball in her hand. Robin looked like he was about to burst into a laughing fit. 

"Ok, They could have picked Regina!" Killian states a smirk on his face. I hit him on the arm and scold him I do love that pirate but sometimes he can be really stupid. That was the last straw for Robin and he burst out into laughter. 

If looks could kill Regina would have murdered him 3 times over. Regina was just about to say something when she was interrupted by Zelina,  

"WHAT ACTUALLY IS THIS! IT'S RUBBISH THATS WHAT IT IS. DOROTHY DID NOT HELP THE TIN MAN I DID! SHES STEALING MY THUNDER! Where is that thing that turns this garbage off? Ah there it is." With one click of a button she turned off the TV and sat down. "Put the next one on I'm done here!" 

"Ok well we have Robin Hood or Peter Pan which one shall we watch next." My mother asks way to enthusiastically.

"Robin Hood." I swiftly answer. I need to mentally prepare myself before we watch Peter Pan and I am NOT ready for that.

"Ok." Killian says. He looked sort of offended so I just put my head on his shoulder and whispered in his ear 

"Saving the best till last." To shut him up. It worked and he smiled kissing the top of my head and settling down. 

This one was quite calm apart from the comment on the fact that they were all animals and one from Regina about Marian and Robin. I don't really know what happened after that as I fell asleep. 

Night 3: Peter Pan

Oh God. If the black fairy didn't kill me this definitely will. Killian has been really exited and that doesn't help. He is convinced he will be amazing and that Pan will be a Villain too. 

Kill me now.

Everyone has arrived and we are at our house this time. Killian is bouncing on the sofa like a kid on Christmas morning. When it comes on his brow started to crease.

"Wait, wait, wait. They want to go with him?!?" He exclaims a moment later when he sees the darling's willingly go with Pan. 

"Just wait." I mumble under my breath so no one can hear me. 

A few moments later everyone is in hysterics (well everyone apart from Killian who looks like he is about to murder someone.) Yup you guessed it. He has just seen himself.   

"NOPE!" He cries and picks up the bottle of Rum I knew he'd need. 

Just as I think he is about to pop of the cap and down it all he throws it at the TV and screams "TAKE THAT DEVIL BOX!" 

I don't know whether I should laugh or shout. Lets just say we didn't have a family movie night for a while after that.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while I have been busy and have mostly been focusing on my other book. I'm working on a part 2 to My overprotective dad but I wanted to get this one up since that is going to be a long one. Sorry its kind of rushed at the end I really wanted to get this up before I go to bed because I have a chemistry test in the morning and didn't want to be writing into the night. As always if you request I will make them top priority so please do. 

Bye For Now


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