Driving lessons (cs)

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NOTE: Hi thankyou for clicking on this story I do take requests and would greatly appreciate it. I have another story which is my priority and it is a CS enchanted forest AU story which I would love it if you check it out. Don't know when the next update will be but  I hope you enjoy this one. 

CONTEXT: After the Black fairy.

SHORT: 832 words

Killian's POV

I have decided that I don't like walking. Swan took her yellow driving contraption to the station early this morning to catch up on some paper work because apparently I can't be there as I'm too distracting. The only thing I do is kiss her at every opportunity especially if charming is nearby. 

I had to walk Henry to the bus stop and then walk to the station alone in the rain. I also had to walk home because Emma was checking something out in the forest and it was only 'a one person job.'

I hear the door to our house open and close as my beautiful wife walks into the living room. 

"Hey handsome." She says sitting next to me and wrapping her arms around my waist. "How was your day?" 

"It would have been good but I had to walk everywhere and now my feet hurt." I moan whilst giving her a little pout. 

She laughs at me and gives me a little peck on the lips. "Your so cute." She says resting her hand on the back of my head and playing with my hair. 

"I love you." I tell her and she kisses me again. 

"I love you to." she giggles and snuggles into my chest.

"Swan." I say after a few minuets of silence.

"Yes Killian." 

"Did I ever tell you you're the most beautiful, strong, kind, independent woman I have ever met and I..."

"What do you want Killian?" She interrupts me. Damn it she's always able to see straight through me.

"Can you teach me to drive that Yellow contraption thing of yours so that I don't have to walk everywhere?" I ask her.

"Yeah go on then." She says taking me by surprise. 


"It saves me having to drive around everywhere." 

"Thank you Swan" I say kissing her.

A month later

Emma's POV

"Swan! Love? Where are you?" I hear Killian shout from the hallway. I walk downstairs and see my very happy pirate smiling at me from where he's standing. 

"Well?" I ask. He was supposed to take his driving test today and I was really nervous for him. I tried to teach him but I honestly thought I was going to die. Teaching a one handed pirate, who thinks that they know everything, to drive is probably scarier than teaching a blind teenager. In the end I had to get him a driving instructor because I was way too scared and I think we killed more mailboxes than Henry did when my dad tried to teach him to drive. 

"I did it! I passed! I told you." He said. I'm not going to lie I am very surprised I don't know how he did it and I'm quite suspicious that there may have been some bribing of the instructor involved but I'm happy for him. 

"That's great! I'm so happy for you!" I say hugging him. 

2 Weeks later

Killian's POV

I make my way to the library and burst inside running up to the front desk where Belle is sat.

"Belle." I whisper.

"Killian hi how are you?" 

"I'm good I was just wondering if I could borrow your car tomorrow? Emma has to go into work early and David and Snow both need theirs. I tried to ask Regina or Zelina but I mentioned the word car and they both tried to fireball me." I ask because now I can drive I dont see the point in walking anywhere. 

"I need mine but I can get you Rumple's if you want?"

"Ummmmm." The Crocodile would probably kill me if I went anywhere near his car. 

"I wont let him hurt you don't worry."

"Ok thank's Belle."

The next morning

I drove up to the front of the station in Golds fancy car and I'm going to be honest I was very tempted to intentionally crash it but then I risk Swan arresting me and or shouting at me and I really don't like scary Emma so I didn't. 

Speaking of Emma she was coming out of the station just as I got out of the car. She just stood there and stared at me. I smirked and walked over to her.

"You're staring Swan!"

"IS THAT GOLD'S CAR?!?" She screams at me.

"Whoa calm down Swan. Yes it's Gold's car."

"Did he give it to you or did you steal it?" She asked suspiciously.

"Swan! I would never steal something, especially from the Crocodile." I said faking being hurt. 

"Killian!" She said in her warning verging on angry tone.

"Belle let me borrow it I didn't steal it." 

"Ok fine just do me a favour and don't go near him for the next week or so, I don't need a dead husband." 

"I promise Swan." I say kissing her head and walking into the station. One things for sure Gold cannot know I drove his car because if he does my death will be a painful one!

A/N: this was originally meant to be a oneshort about Emma teaching Killian to drive but I changed it because I don't actually know how to drive so I thought this would be better. I hope you liked it and I am not sure when the next update will be because my priority is my other CS AU story please check that out if you haven't.

Please request some more stories I would love to wright them.

Bye for now


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