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Getting ready to sleep, I prayed to be protected from the evil spirit. I pulled the comforter over my head and slept. I dreamt that I was running as something was chasing me. I tried to save myself from being caught but accidentally fell and hurt my head. I stood up still pulling my leg, trying to save myself at all cost. I heard a voice saying run!run! run as you want, I will always catch you. I got scared as it kept floating in air. I didn't look back as I kept moving forward. It said I would be your nightmare during the day, and hell at night. I cried saying what did I do to you, why come after me since you can harm anyone you want. What did I do to you. It laughed and said you are going to pay for your sins, you are coming to hell with me. With that, long bony hands caught my legs, making me fly in air as it pulled me into a dark abyss. I couldn't even see where my leg is come to talk of my hands. It was total darkness. I heard footsteps coming towards my back, I quickly turned around only to find electric green eyes. It's the only part visible, all the remainings are empty darkness. He said do you know the gift of being alive, I would love to torture you and see and feel  how your life slips away from your eyes. Then you would know of the word pain, two women appeared on their knees. Eat her he ordered them, yes sire they said in unison. I got scared as they came closer they started clawing at my flesh with their bony fingers. Their nails were the same length as their fingers. I felt deep pain as they scratched my flesh, peeling my muscles as if they were peeling onion layers. I begged as they peeled, each layer they peeled healed itself automatically. They punctured my stomach, bringing out my intestine and spleen. It healed back itself as the other parts did. He ordered them to stop, and said it's time for their punishment also, they begged mercy from him, as he make their bony body began to turn dust. The loud screaming of them begging mercy was the last thing heard before they perished. I was already exhausted when he turned around to me. He said we shall meet again looming over me. He carried me up, and threw me into a large hole. I fell on something soft, and woke up with a start. I was finally safe. But I begin to wonder, was it a dream  or did it truly happened. I felt sore all over my body, that got me scared as I think it really happened.
I greeted iris good morning as I went into the bathroom to pee. I saw the same electric green eyes looking at me through the mirror, his eyes contrast the color of  when he was a cat. He cynically smiled at me, before disappearing. I ran out of the bathroom and called iris with a sob, to come and see him. She held me soothingly, saying we need to meet a priest at the local church, he might be able to send the spirit away. I got dressed in a blue jeans and sweater, with converse. I and iris left the house early with out eating breakfast, so as to meet the priest before he leaves for his ongoing  sermon. He invited us to seat with him near the alter as I told him about what, happened. He said he would surely come and exorcise the house as it is a case of evil spirit. He gave us an appointment saying he would come and meet us next week. He gave us certain prayers that we would be reciting, before he comes for the exorcism. Every day I wait felt like a torture of thousands years. I feared to sleep as I would have horrific dreams involving me, and in the day I feared every look or movement from every person. I had turned frail and lean, as my lips were total white. I became the shadow of my soul. I couldn't breath or eat, I was totally afraid of any living activities. The day for the exorcism arrived, I became very impatient as I waited for the priest to come. Together with him, we went to my house. It felt so surreal to be here. This use to be my saviour, my comfort zone. My companion at all times. I couldn't believe it's a living hell for me. I waited as the priest layed several prayer candles, reciting some incantations, he began increasing his strength in the supplications. Within a second a wild air blew off the light burning the candles. Every where was pitch black. I kept calling if somebody was there, suddenly the light to the house flickered on. I turned to my side hearing movements, only to find the cat I saw some weeks ago drinking blood from now the dead priest. I released an ear piercing scream, and began to run. I kept running with out looking back. All that I  thought of is the incident that kept happening in my mind. The cat drinking blood from the priest's neck. I kept begging God to save me. I felt something running behind me, so l kept running away. I prayed to the lord to see me through. I saw in my peripheral vision, the cat running after me at high speed. It was running as if mocking me to outrun it. I began running more adding more speed. I came to a narrow alley and saw a road ahead. I ran towards the road, and looked around the highway I saw a bright light, I raised my hands and waved thoroughly to the driver. I kept shouting, until the car came to a halt.

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