The beginning where it all started

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These will be important so just try to remember it

(Y/N)=your name


       Two Ackerman had a child and they named him (y/n) Ackerman.They gave their child to their favorite reliable cousin Kenny Ackerman.They gave him the child and left inside the King's castle and then they were both killed by the Military Police highest rank.Kenny then cries but knows that he can't take care of a child right now so he leaves outside and then drops (y/n) in front of someone elses home and knocks in front o the door then leaves with his hat down.Then the door opens and Dr.Jeager and Carla both open the door and sees a small baby in front of the door and Carla quickly takes the baby in and reads the name saying (y/n) Ackerman.

Carla:"Poor baby I wonder why they left him over here all by himself"

(Grisha POV)

 This is all coming together just like my memories be giving me, right after I thought that I snapped out of it from Carla Voice calling me

Carla:"Honey do we keep him inside"

Grisha:"Yes dear"

We need to take care of him so he'll also help out Eren from the bad side and nobody would hurt him.

Carla:"Honey we should sleep right now so then tomorrow Eren and (y/n) can meet tomorrow first thing tomorrow"

Grisha:"Yeah your right but I still have some things to do inside the basement for now,goodnight Dear"


     (Carla POV)

*Sighs*This little baby is very cute I wonder how he'll look like when he grows,I hope Eren and (y/n) gets along when they keep on growing up.

     (Grisha POV)

So this is were everything will begin starting right now huh,Eren will have a rough life but also will (y/n) but for now I just have to keep on protecting these two so nothing will happen later on in the future.(y/n) will be stronger and faster and smarter than Eren but Eren will always keep moving forward and (y/n) will have to keep struggling to protect is friends .

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