[Chapter 3]

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Hi guys!! I hope you like this chapter, and I'm actually getting used to writing, but I still have some things to fix, well enjoy:) (I also hope you like the books new cover! I edited the picture myself, but credit goes to the person who made the artwork!!💗✨)


The sun had already went to sleep and the moon is wide awake. It was late when I arrived home. I had a little tear-fest at the park and I didn't notice time passing by. The dry tears marks that were on my checks were being replaced by fresh new tears. My eyes were still red with more water ready to fall.
Why. That's the only thing I thought. Why am I not brave enough to face the world, why am I not brave enough to face society, why.....am I not brave enough to face...


I looked at (b/n). (B/n) has been with me since the very beginning. A small smile started to replace the tears in my face. I like thinking about that day, the day when I met (b/n), and that's when I also met him, my light.

*little flashback*
A 4 year old (y/n) was at a camping trip with some kids from school. All the little kids decided to play hide and go seek in the nearby woods, little (y/n) was a hider and she was excited to find the perfect hiding spot, but because of her excitement she didn't noticed a deep hole in front of her and she fell in it. Thankfully it was full of leaves which made it a less hard landing, but no one knew where she was.
"Help!! Anyone?? Please help me!!" But no one heard the little girl. Hours pasted and the sun started to set. Of course the little girl was scared, tears started to grow in her eyes. she was in the middle of the woods alone and in a dark hole where no one could find her. Then, (Y/n) got an idea to make a pile of leaves so that she could be a bit tall enough and maybe someone could hear her since she wouldn't be that deep in the hole. She started to pick up the leaves one by one and then she found it. She found (b/n) under some leaves. She was curious and a bit nervous at first to see what it was but a few minutes later she started having her own little conversation with (b/n). Then someone interrupted her little chat.
"Hello?, is someone there?" There he was a boy with red eyes, she couldn't see his hair color or his clothes, since it was nighttime, but she could see his red eyes, when heard him, she felt hope and a light shining through the hole.
"Yeah, I'm here, I'm stuck!" Sadly the little boy, couldn't see the girl at all but he did hear her voice, a voice a sweet as honey and as soft as cotton. When the both heard each other's voice they felt some weird feeling in their chest, what they didn't know it that weird feeling was love.
*End of little flashback*


Yep, I still remember when I met (b/n) but sometimes I wonder if it was a dream and that I only found (b/n) on the side of a road or something, but that 'dream' felt so real, especially when I met that boy with those beautiful red eyes, it felt like love at first sight and of course my heart will always be for him! But, no wonder i stared at Shu when i first saw him. I've seen other guys with red eyes but when I saw Shu I felt weird , I don't know...I'll just try leave that feeling behind, and worry about other things like...my secret. I'm still wondering if I should tell Shu and Valt, yeah I've only known them for 1 day, but they seem like such kind and understanding people, maybe I'll tell them, but for now it's only (b/n) and my little secret.

Next day:)

A new day, a new start! "
Time for my 2nd day at school. I should probably go tell Valt and Shu sorry about declining there offer for Beybread yesterday." Man just the name of that pastry sounds really good! A bit of drool started falling down my mouth, but lucky noticed it and wiped it off.

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