[Chapter 4]

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Chapter 4!!!! YEAH!! I think I'm getting better at writing:) I hope you guys enjoy this chapter


Shu is such a nice person, giving me a ride to school, I should made it up to him, maybe I can invite him to the movies tomorrow. I'll ask him later, but first I got to find Valt and tell him sorry that I need to tell Nika and Toko sorry as well, I hope they all forgive me for my rudeness. I have to find Valt, and thankfully I have a few minutes left before class starts, but where is he.

"Hey Shu, do you know where Valt could be?" Hopefully he would know, since he's been friends with him longer than I have, but no luck.

Shu: "Valt's a pretty surprising person, so who knows where he could be." We both walked into our first period classroom to see if he was there, but no sign of him, and our other classmates. Where could they all be? Then I found, more like I heard my answer.

Valt: "LETS DO THIS!" Yep, that voice is definitely Valt's and it's coming from the gym. Me and Shu went as quickly as I can to find him, but then I saw a lot of people, more like the whole school surrounding Valt and some tall guy with byellow hair and a big fan. oh and with a candy in his mouth. Oh no....please say Valt didn't get into a fight, he's way to innocent to do that! I saw Shu and based on his expression, his thoughts were the same as mine. Me and Shu shoved our way past the crowd, towards Valt and the other guy, to see what's going on. Then I felt a huge wave of relief! Valt wasn't going to fight that guy, he was going to have a beyblade battle with him.

Shu: "Wow, Valt almost scared me for a second." he said with a small grin.

"Yeah, same, I though he was going to battle that guy, who is he anywa-" and I heard my answer, again.

Rantaro: "You must have guts to challenge me, Rantaro Kiyama, that bey of your is gonna get crushed, so get ready for a battle that you'll remember" Oh no, he better not hurt Valt and Valtryek/Valkyrie!

"YOU GOT THIS VALT!" Then everyone went quiet and looked an me. Oh god.

"Y/N, Shu!!! Get ready to see me and Valtryek/Valkyrie win!" I smiled, then I felt a tap on my leg.

Toko & Nika: "Hey (y/n)!!"

"Toko, Nika!!" I gave them the biggest hug i could ever give,

"What are you two doing here?"

Nika: "Where here to watch Valt's battle!"

Toko: "Yeah! We're here to support our big brother!" Aww I swear their both the so sweet:) Man, I wish I had that support with blading..Oh right, I need to apologize for yesterday.

"Hey Toko,Nika I'm really sorry for rudely declining your offer for beybread yesterday..I hope you both forgive me,"

Toko: "it's ok!! Don't worry about it (y/n), we can all be busy sometimes!"

Nika: "Yeah don't worry! We're friends, right?"

"Friends...yeah we're friends." I have both of them another big hug.

"Well let's watch Valt battle!"

Toko & Nika: "yeah!"

Battle begins: Valt vs Rantaro


"Come on Valtryek/Valkyrie, let's show everyone how strong you are!"

Rantaro: "It's time to have some fun..."

I heard people in the crowd saying things like, 'Rantaro's very strong', 'he has no chance in beating Rantaro' and 'Rantaro is way to tough', 'What is Valt thinking' but then I heard some people say.

𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭~Shu Kurenai x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now