[Chapter 16]

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Hey peeps!!! Sorry for such a long wait!!! I'm really busy with school, especially since it's my last year in high school, but hopefully I'll have more time to write soon:) so for now, thank you for waiting and I hope you enjoy this chapter:)💗

Ok, now what....
Throughout the day, instead of going to school, I took a day for myself and I feel asleep. Very productive! And here I am, laying on my bed, doing absolutely nothing. I'm just there. So much has happened that, I don't know what to do or think about. There's so much to do that I don't know what to do first, should I think about what I'll eat? About what I told Shu? About me being a blader? Heck, should I just do something instead of thinking? I coved my eyes with my hands, feeling frustrated over so many things. Ahhhhh I don't know!! Well first things first, I need go get up, I can't just lay here all day, I need to be productive.
I got up and of course my stomach started grumbling, obviously since I haven't ate. I went to the bathroom to freshen up even though it's already the afternoon. I made my way to the kitchen to make some cereal, yes, I know it's lunch time but screw it! As I sat down and ate, I began to think, more specifically, think about the argument. I know I didn't mean anything, it was at the spur of the moment, what I said wasn't true but did that also mean that what I told shu about liking him was a lie? I know that I like him but I don't 100% LOVE him, but it's  way to early for that, right? I barely met him, but wait, even though I just met him, is it even ok for me to like him, should I get to know him more, are these feelings true or is this just me having an admiration for someone? I mean I love blading, and he's been one of my favorite bladers, he's been like a role model for me although he doesn't know. Wait does that mean in a Fan girl?? What if he finds that weird? One of his new friends, who's a girl, becomes a fan? Would he think that I became his friend just to get close to him? Plus Telling him that I love him, would he try to avoid me by that?
What the heck! I got of my chair and began to walk around the house. This is to much to think about. So do I admire him, like him, love him? I though I concluded these feeling, telling myself that I like him, but I guess I'm still having a hard trying to actually comprehend these feelings.
Time, I need more time to think about these feelings, I need time to know Shu, not in a romantic way, but I want to know him as a friend. I stopped walking around a sighed
No, I don't like him, it's to early to think about that feeling of "like" and it doesn't feel right. I feel like making myself like him was just a way for me to fill in a childhood love, and I don't want to see him like a replacement? Ahhh I need to stop thinking. Ok brain...STOP.
I stand there in the middle of my living room, actually thinking that telling my brain to stop thinking is going to do anything. And surprise! It didn't. Ok y/n, let's set things straight.

1, I don't like shu, it is to early for that, plus I feel like I'm unintentionally using him to fill in a gap of a childhood love which in no way is good. I shouldn't do that.
2, I like him but as a FRIEND, nothing more, nothing less. Friends can love each other without romance, right? Right.
3, I want to get close to him, not in a romantic way, but as a way to become better friends.
4, I need to put my big girl shoes on and go apologize and sort things out with him.
And 5, I need to go finish my food.

I made my way to the kitchen to go finish my unfinished cereal and as I was about to start eating again, I heard a knock on my door. Who could be knocking right now? I made my way to the door and opened it.

"Y/N we need to talk" I saw Honcho and Wakiya standing at the door. I expected someone else but It's good seeing them too!

"Oh hey guys, ummm come on in." I stepped aside and let them enter my house.
"Wait, how do you guys know where I live?"I asked them, the only one who's ever been to my house is shu.

𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭~Shu Kurenai x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now