Chapter Twenty Four

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**Mild spoiler alert for those who have not read Fleeting & Forever.**

"I'll be back in town at end of the month, just for a few days though because I have to fly out to Paris right away," I told Jamie on the phone as I dusted some cinnamon into two steaming mugs of hot chocolate, one of which was topped with a small mountain of mini marshmallows. "But I should be able to squeeze in a meeting with the bank and get all the paperwork signed."

"Meet with the engineers right after closing?" he asked. "Should start inspections after Thanksgiving. Submit permits before Christmas—"

"I'd rather wait until after the New Year actually," I interrupted gently. "That Stannard Road townhouse we're starting in November is pretty much going to have to be bulldozed. It will keep the crew busy till early spring. That will give us something to do but also allow everyone some time to relax a little around the holidays. Spend time with family. Travel."

Maybe get married.

But I didn't say that last part out loud.

I didn't want to jinx it.

Maybe Stellan won't be ready and that's fine.

I hadn't been ready for a long time myself.

I'd wait if I had to. Just like he did.

"You and Sid should go for that Prague Christmas trip he's been going on and on about," I said, unable to resist sharing my own excitement. "Maybe ask him that question you've been thinking about for a while now."

"What question?"

I rolled my eyes. "Don't pretend you haven't been paying attention to every society wedding news Sid regales us with every chance he gets. Your ears perk up and you get this look on your face as if you're taking notes mentally."

"I'm always taking notes," Jamie mumbled.

"If you are, then you should be able to figure out by now that Sidney wants to get married."

"I know."

"And?" I pressed because even though I know I would totally groan over anyone pestering me about something as important as marriage, I couldn't help it because I loved Jamie and Sidney fiercely and I wanted them to live happily-ever-after.

"And I want to give him everything he wants," Jamie answered with about the same excitement as he would tell me about a discount on lumber. "I'm booking off second half of December, 'kay?"

I grinned and started jumping up and down. "Aaaaahh!!! Jamie, I'm so thrilled for the both of you! Sid's going to be over the moon!"

It didn't take much for my head to make contact with the ceiling even in an RV as roomy as this one so I opted for a happy dance instead.

"He hasn't said yes yet so keep it down, will you?" Jamie grumbled even though I could totally imagine his reluctant smile.

"I will. Your secret's safe with me," I promised him. "I'll help you plan it all out if you want, once I'm back from Paris. We have to book the most charming little hotel and do up an itinerary and—"

"Nothing crazy," Jamie reminded me. "If you're this excited, maybe you should plan your own."

I grinned and hoped that Jamie could tell by my voice. "Maybe I already have. Who knows?"

"Really?" Jamie sounded genuinely surprised. "What are you—"

"Wha-hello? Sorry... you're cutting out..." I said, drawing the phone away from me, trying not to laugh and give myself away. "Can't hear you... I'll call you back tomorrow... Bye! Love you to bits!"

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