Eating Lunch

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The teacher was teaching math. It was so boring, I even found myself wondering what my aunt was doing, like I cared!

I heard laughing and talking in the corner of the room. I turned my head, just to see the mean girls, Maria, Elizabeth, and Diana. I glared at them, and they looked at me, trying to hold back a laugh.

I wanted to cry. They looked so mean and scary compared to me. They then looked at their phones. I think they were texting each other. 'Great' I thought.

*time skip bc why tf not*

It was finally lunch time. I had no idea where to sit so I sat alone, trying not to cry.

I look up to see Ryan and Joseph sitting with me. 'O-oh h-h-hello!' I said happily. 'Hi..' said Joseph. 'Hi Kota!' said Ryan cheerfully.

They sat down with me, asking me for my number. 'OMG THEY WANT ME NUMBER!' i said to myself, freaking out.

'O-okay, my number is *instert number*' 'I'll be in touch with you' said Ryan, winking at me. I blushed, and Joseph noticed. 'Hey, why are you blushing Kota?' asked Joseph. 'I-I-I'm not blushing!' I said angrily.

He laughed it off. I then noticed that Joseph was staring at Zoe. I also noticed he was blushing. Wait wait, BLUSHING?!

I then heard some laughter coming from a table. I looked over to see Diana, Maria, and Elizabeth laughing at some drama they managed to stir up.

Maria then noticed me staring, then said 'Why is this ugly ass hoe staring at us' They were looking at me, laughing and taking pictures. I looked over at Ryan and Joseph, but they were talking to Sebastian.

I ran to the bathroom and cried my eyes out. I had this really random thought, and I started to make a plan in my head. 'I would finally be appreciated if I do this, right?' I thought to myself. I smiled, and walked out of the bathroom.

#truelove story of white emily pick me girl and 'cute boy' in her classWhere stories live. Discover now