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I'm so, very surprised. They are STILL editing pictures of me. I'm getting bullied a lot, and no ones here to help.

Even my own friends abandoned me. Zoe and Sydney were starting to get too close. I even thought they were dating at one point! That's how close they were.

I was still getting minor gifts, like cards, chapstick, and nice little notes. I wanted to tell people that we were dating again, but I just couldn't.

I would get picked on even more if I did. Ryan however, I don't know if he would get bullied or not. To be honest, I sort of see him as the bully, not the one being bullied.

He could for sure beat up a bitch without hesitation. He could and would do anything for me.

I was in the bathroom trying to do my eyeliner, when no one other than those three came in, but I didn't notice at first. They all screamed 'boo' at me, which caused me to yelp and fall off the sink, messing up my eyeliner.

'M-my eyeliner!' I yelled, while they just laughed and took pictures. I then realized that I was in a, rather sexual position.

I gasped and quickly got up. Diana kept calling me a lesbian for some reason, while Elizabeth was laughing really hard, as Maria was trying to hold in a laugh.

I ran out of the bathroom, onto the roof to cry. I just imagined what they could do with those photos. That was a bad idea, because it only made me cry even harder.

There was only a few questions on my mind. What would Ryan say about that picture? Would he break up with me? Would he bully me? Would he care? Would he ask a bunch of questions? Anything could be possible at this point.

*maagical time skip*

I was right. The picture was spread around the school. Everyone kept glaring at me. I did notice a couple of things about the picture. There was no eyeliner smudge, and I looked like I was enjoying being in the position- which I did not.

I wanted to talk to Ryan. I don't know what he would say about this whole situation.

I walked home with Ryan, but he seemed quiet. Quieter than usual. I tried to start a conversation, but he cut it short and gave me partial answers.

I sighed and kept walking. I didn't wanna bring up the picture, but I had to, or else he would suspect that I'm cheating on him.

After some thinking, I decided to do it over call, not in person. That way I would be safe, and it wouldn't be awkward for the both of us.

#truelove story of white emily pick me girl and 'cute boy' in her classWhere stories live. Discover now