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While I dragged my eyes over his rounded big eyes with such a special blue colour, I found out Elideth stroke again. I always ended up using him when Freddie was slipping through my fingers.

That didn't make me feel badly. An irrational impulse had led me to 1984 without Fooling's knowledge. For the first time I was doing something inside the mission on his back. And the story repeated again, if Freddie wasn't there available, Roger could save me any time.

The Château Margaux warmed my mouth and throat while I rummaged in my bag searching for some paper, a pen and a tape recorder. Ash, focus in your interviewer role. You are an excellent journalist. Prove it to him.

I pressed the record buttom in that tape recorder that I found hard to find in 2020. I had been searching in a lot of marketplaces and online stores to get at last an useful eighties device.

- How long since you've bought this house? -I started off sipping again the wine.

- Is this your first question? -he smiled refilling my glass.

- I like to know the people who I interview. I like to start soft.

- Do you call that start soft?

- If you don't want to, don't answer. We can go to...

- I was kidding. 7 years.

- So you bought it when you were... 27 years old.

- John Reid thought a beautiful flat in a nice district in London like Freddie's was enough for me. But I've always been a jealous guy. Deaky bought a beautiful house in south London, a little afar from the noise to start off a family life. It seemed to me an idyllic place and a smart way to invest the money we were earning at last.

- Is John's house a mansion like this?

- No, it's far more modest but you know, on searching for future homes I got a little crazy and I thought I deserved a good mansion on the countryside.

- It's very nice. No wonder you fell in love with it.

- I was in love with certain idea of my future, really. I wanted to pave the way to my future wife and kids.

- Oh, really? I don't know if I can believe you...

- Well, at first I had a crush with the house, the bucolic enviroment, being anonymous. Then on settle myself on, everything seemed to shout out a change of life. It was just a natural step to take.

- Had you met already Dom when you bought it?

- Yes. In fact I met her at the end of summer of 1976. We just had come back from our world tour. I had fucked in those months so much to being able to get into a cistercian abbey and spending my time meditating with no need of more sexual activity.

He searched my expression with a mischiveous smile. I just smiled him back more sweeter than he expected. He intended to shock me but he couldn't. We bonded over a lot of "gimnastic exercises". Although he didn't know it. He went on with quiet resignation:

- Suddenly I came back to London with that unbearable feeling of wanting some more, we all feel those kind of things when the tour was finished. With our blood still boiling up. We played an overcrowed show in Hyde Park which made us even more successful. It was absolutely amazing, more than 150.000 people. I remember that night was terribly hot. In fact, I remember that 1976 was an unusually hot year in United Kingdom. We were already recording our next record. In spite of it was just one summer concert, it was like coming back to that touring atmosphere.

- You love being on tour.

- It's the funniest thing in the world. The thing is in the after show party we met a lot of people and I was very loose. It was my third glass, my fourth line and started to plan with my radar in search for someone or a bunch of people to sleep with that night. Then I saw her.