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I'm taking everything, I checked while I waited on the airport lounge to announce the flight to New York. From JFK I would have to take a bus that took approximately ten hours to Portland, Maine. The place where News of the World tour started off.

Between the 9 hours flight till New York and the exhausting trip by bus that awaited me, I trust to feel fine to keep my eyes open all the show and write a good critic.

Despite I had made a careful review wearing everything I needed, I got the weird feeling I grounded something.

- Hiiiiii. Did you miss me?

I looked up from my messy bag to face ineffable Killer with a toothy smile in front of me.

- God, that's exactly what I was thinking of. I had left behind something and I didn't know what.

- Of course. It was me. The essential part of your luggage.

I hadn't seen her since the News of the World launching party and I wondered what the hell what she was up to.

- I imagined you would be already with the band in United States.

- I spent days working with no rest. I've lost vision, my sleep cycle is out of control and I had barely eaten.

- So you were working. Interesting.

- Wipe that ironic smile off your angelical face, Black. You're speaking with Freddie Mercury's new costume designer on tour.

- You're kidding.

- Freddie fell in love with my sketches. Well, he fell in love so fast that I was jealous even of my own drawings.

Killer was a real surprise for me although I was trying so hard it didn't figure out. Our mutual animosity had stopped me from wanting to know about her life. I had it clear that her life must not be easy. She had that trace of ruthless warrior that only can bring with a lot of misfortunes that harden and shield your heart.

I didn't want to lower my guard, when I did, I used to got affected. But this morning at the airport she seemed to me a happy and fullfilled child, someone with inner light and with not an ounce of wickedness. It was true that she got her way and as used to happen with kids, they turned into charming people and even lovable in those circumstances. Everybody likes to get his way.

- Excuse me, sir. Could you exchange your seat with mine?

Killer appeared in the aisle just when I had high hopes to getting a good sleep, besides I had window seat.

- Why? Are you friends? -the man wanted to know.

- We're really something more. Do you see this ring? -she stretched her hand with varnished yellow nails. She wore a sparkling ring-. We are engaged.

She winked at me and I wanted to press her throat real hard. I asked her mimicking Why? with anguished eyes and she wrinkled her nose, naughty, as her only reply. It was clear she was playful that morning and I wasn't in the mood for foolish games.

- And yours? -the gentleman asked seeing my bare fingers.

He seemed not find very unpleasant the fact that was in front of a couple of lesbians. The seventies were still quite homophobic.

I watched my fingers self-absorbed and after some hesitant seconds that both were waiting, I replied reluctantly and angrily:

- I threw it down the toilet before coming.

- Oh, then... -the man went on with no will to standing up.

- Then, won't you move your ass from the seat and leave me trying to win her heart again? -Killer spurted out with her eyes open wide from the irritation.