Chapter 1

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I look at myself in the mirror. All I see is a 5'9 girl with brunette hair and green eyes staring back at me. I had slight freckles. People say that I'm quite tall for my age which I have to agree on. I usually look down on people when it comes to differences in heights.

I sigh and take a step back. I regret that as I hissed in pain.

Oh, now you are wondering what I am talking about. Let me tell you. My name is Alice. I am 15 years old, and I think you already know what I look like. My family died in a car crash when I was 13 years old. I had 3 brothers. Aaron would be 20 years old now. Alex would be 19 years old and Adam would be 18.

Ever since then I have lived with my abusive ''uncle". Yes, you heard right. Abusive. To be honest he is not my uncle. My grandparents adopted him.

I have one current friend. Her name is Charlotte. She is a total badass and is in my "uncles'' gang. But not the good type of badass- it was like one of those tryhard badasses. One of those people who only do it for the title in hope of everyone would fear them- a bit similar to a queen-b. But anyways- you heard right. A gang- the place where you do a whole load of illegal things. My uncle is the leader of the most feared gang in the world but as far as I know, Charlotte is unaware of the fact that he is my uncle. She knows a bit about my situation but only a bit. I don't like her that much but I don't have that much of a choice since I have to have a friend in school or the teachers are going to start asking questions about my social life.

I had 2 friends in the past. Bella was my best friend and Blake who is my childhood crush. They are both 16 years old now. When I was 10 they moved away and I have never heard of them again which is kinda weird because their parents and my parents were best friends while my brothers and Blake were friends while Bella was my best friend. Long story short- our families were close. I had other friends who I enjoyed being with but we all either drifted apart or moved away.

Oh and I like to fight and solve mysteries. No, it is not ileglál fighting. I take fighting lessons but I can't fight my uncle back. He is much stronger than me. That is also the reason why he abuses me. He wants me to join his gang but I don't want to kill innocent people so I say no, so he thought that if he abuses me I would give in. But dream on boy.

Now for how I see myself- I've been told that I'm pretty smart for my age but it's probably because I took a whole bunch of tuition classes as a child plus the fact that I use most of my time studying. But it's not because I don't like dressing up and all. To be honest- if I had the chance then I would dress up in a different style like tomboy, grunge, soft girl- you name it. I'm also pretty weird- like many other people in the world. I like to think of myself as the cookie queen because of I.Love.Cookies.

I slightly lift my shirt and see all the blue and purple bruises. My "uncle" is smart. He never hits me in my face, only on the back or stomach. I check the time. HOLY QUEEN OF COOKIES. It is at 18:00. My "uncle" will come home any minute. I quickly run downstairs trying not to cry out in pain. I got out a pan and started to make scrambled eggs and make a salad. I know a weird combination but it is my "uncles" favorite. I put it on the table just as my "uncle" walks into the kitchen, I put my head down and stuttered "H-Hello, your f-food is ready". I kept my head hung low and waited for the pain. I waited and waited. Maybe he has chan-." Aaaaah" I scream. There it is and I thought he changed. I fell to the ground clutching my stomach while he just kept on punching me. The thing is he never uses words only actions. He punched me a couple more times and then left me to go eat.

I got up from the ground and headed towards my room. If I could even call it a room. It consisted of a few blankets laid over each other at the corner of the room with a cupboard on the opposite side. I had a window but I could not try to escape because I was 2 stories high and trust me, 2 stories high in this house is about 15 m. Next to the window was a door where the bathroom was. It was a normal bathroom but just a little old and rusty. I went into the bathroom and cleaned my wounds. I decided that enough was enough. Tomorrow I am going to run away to Charlotte's house until I find a place to stay. I waited a few minutes to hear any sound but there was none so I quickly closed the ripped curtains and went to sleep.

I woke up and hissed in pain. I picked up my phone and checked the time. 05:00. I got 3 hours to get ready for school. I took a shower and treated my wounds again. After that, I changed into an oversized hoodie and sweatpants. My "uncle" does not want anyone to know about the abuse so he bought me clothes making sure that no one would suspect anything. I quickly put some clothes in my bag and stepped outside and crept down the stairs. I then made breakfast and put it on the table for my uncle. After I finished that, I started my long journey to school. It took about 15 minutes to walk there. It was a nice high school but it was very hard to make friends. Like I said I only have 1 friend and her name is Charlotte Woods. She is a "badass" and works in my uncle's gang but she does not know that he is my uncle. Like mentioned before, I don't like her that much if I'm being honest. She kills innocent people and all that but she is my only friend. I walked into the school and to my locker and put some books in a got some out. I then began to walk to class.

Skip to lunch...

I sat at my usual table at the corner and waited for Charlotte. I sighed and got my phone out and started to play games so I did not notice when she came and sat down in front of me.

"Hi," she said.

"Hi" I answered. "I need your help" desperation was clear in my voice.

She looked up from her phone and looked at me in confusion. I have never asked her for help in anything.

"I am planning to run away from my home because my uncle abuses me, so can I stay at your house?" I said quickly looking around to make sure no one heard what I just said.

Suddenly her calm face was replaced with an angry one. If I was right she almost looked angry at me but then she calmed down and I swear I saw her smirk but it quickly changed to a concerned and worried face. It honestly looked fake. She quickly typed something on her phone and then turned to look at me.

"Why did you not tell me all this time," she said.

"I am sorry that I did not but can you please help me?" I begged.

"Of course I will just come to my house after school," she said, and then she got a message and quickly muttered a bye and went outside. She was acting weird but I let it slide.

After school...

I got in Charlotte's Alpine A110. She started to drive away. As we started to reach her house I saw 1 familiar car with some other cars surrounding it. I thought nothing of it but as soon as we parked it all clicked.

That was my "uncle's" car. She knew all along. My uncle must have said to her to be my fake friend and threatened everyone else in the school to make sure that no one finds out. As I got out of the car I turned to her and asked

"So you were my fake friend all along".

She smirked and said, "Of course, now get your stupid self in there".

I turned around and smirked "Honey you are in for a big surprise". She had a look of confusion on her face but before she could do anything I punched her on the stomach, did a round kick to her face so she was laying on the ground back facing me. I bent down and put a pressure point on her neck so she would be out for a few hours and quickly got my bag and took some money from her and took off sprinting off.

I heard the door opening then shouting and then footsteps behind me so I knew that they were following so I quickly made a sharp turn to the right and then left and kept on doing this until I reached the train station which I knew belonged to the police and my "uncle" would not even dare to even come near it but maybe someone from his gang would. I booked a ticket and waited a few minutes before the train came. I got in and took a seat where no one can see me. I closed my eyes and quickly drifted off to sleep but suddenly a bang came from the train door..........

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