Chapter 2

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Nine people walked in. They looked like they were around my age and older. There were 4 girls and 5 boys. From here I could see that there were 2 sets of twins, 2 girls and 3 other guys who I think are brothers. The 3 brothers had really straight dark brown hair. One set of twins had light brown hair while the other set twin had black. The other girls also had light brown hair. I felt like I saw them before but I couldn't remember. They looked in my direction and all of them widened their eyes. Confusion was clear on my face but I quickly masked it with a blank mask. They might be working for my uncle for all I know. They looked at each other and then turned to me. One by one they started to come towards me and sat at the seats beside or in front of me.

They kept staring at me while I kept my blank mask on. I started to find the staring really annoying so I raised an eyebrow and said "Uhm can you stop staring please?" That snapped them out of the trance they were in as they looked at each other.

"Sorry, you just look like a person we know," the black-haired girl twin said. I don't know why but I felt like I have heard her voice before but I just brushed it off. Maybe she was from my uncle's gang. "It's fine," I answered. They nodded and a comfortable silence fell soon upon us.

Suddenly a boy, maybe 2 years older than me came up and came "Hello there beautiful, what's your name?" I raised an eyebrow and said, "not interested". I turned to look at the people around me to see them all smirking a little at me but then glared at the boy. What was their problem? He was talking to me, not them.

I ignored them and just kept on looking at my hand until I got a phone call. This seems to catch all 9 people's attention to which I rolled my eyes at. Why can't they mind their own business? I picked up the phone and smirked when I saw who was calling. My dear dear "best friend". I answered and put my phone to my ear and said

"Well well well, I didn't think you would wake up so soon"

"You are going to pay Alice. I swear I will fin-"

"I would like to see you try dear bestie. But maaaaaan did I like the feeling of seeing you on the ground."

"Ugh, you are so annoying. You know I am tracking you right now"

That caused me to laugh out loud.

I replied "Dear Charlotte you can't track me if I know how to hack. There is no way you will be able to be me aka the cookie queen. Now shoo and tell your boss that your plan didn't go so well Bur bye." I then took out the sin card and snapped it and then switched off the phone and also snapped it. Yes, I just snapped a phone. But a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do.

I signed and looked up to see all of the 9 people. You know what I will call them cookie stealers because they look like they are going to take my cookies now.

They are not going to take your cookies if you down have any.

Yes I do.

No you don't.

Why am I even listening to you?

I am you. I am your brain.

I quickly shut down the thoughts as I looked to see the cookie stealers staring at me with wide eyes and mouth. Like their jaws were hitting the floor. Not even kidding.

"Uhm, why are you staring at me like that?" I asked them.

"Nothing, sorry but anyway we are maybe strangers but we would like to know where you are going." a deep voice said. It was calm but still yet deadly. I turned around to see who had spoken only to come face to face with the black-haired twin boy. He had Jett black hair you would love to run your hair through and piercing obsidian eyes.

"Uhmmmm, well you are going to find out anyway so eh. I am heading to New York" I answered.

And guess what happened. They had a surprised look on their face again. Surprise surprise. "Well okay," he answered. After that, I felt really tired as the series of events came crashing down on me. Already half asleep, I leaned against the nearest shoulder and closed my eyes hoping that someone would wake me up when we reached the station.


I woke up to someone shaking me. "Fudge of" I grumbled to the person while hugging my very warm pillow. Wait a minute, pillows are not supposed to be warm.

I quickly got up and saw my head was lying on the black-haired boy's shoulder.

"How in the name of cookie monsters did I end up there?" I asked, not remember what happened before I fell asleep.

The cookie stealers (the 9 people) chuckled at my reaction and then one of the brown-haired boys said "You fell asleep on him and held us too tight so he couldn't get up".

As soon as he said this I put on a stone-cold face and said "I am sorry for that but may I ask why you didn't wake me up before?"

This time it was the black-haired girl twin that answered "We didn't want to wake you up before because you looked so peaceful and we woke you up now because you said you had to stop at New York which is the next stop."

"Oh, thank you and I am very sorry," I said but I still kept my stone face on but which a small smile at the end.

Suddenly my extra phone #1 rang and I said "Who the fudge would be ringing to me now?" and then I answered the phone and said "Hello who is this?"

"Did you really think you could escape me?" I heard my uncle's voice come and I paled.

"H-how did y-you get my n-n-number" I stuttered out.

"Did you seriously forget who I am? I thought you-"

I quickly shut the phone knowing if you talk for more than 7 seconds then you can track a person and I didn't want to break another phone. Yes, that is my hack. Breaking a phone so people won't be able to track it.

"Shit, fudge what am I supposed to do. I could move to Antarctica or go to an island but there are no cookies there. It is final. I am going to die" I mumbled to myself but I think the cookie stealers heard it because the black-haired girl asked, "Um are you okay?"

I just answered a quick yes and kept on pacing around until one of the brown-haired boys dragged me and put me on the seat next to him.

"Um okayyy" I dragged out the okay but then said "Okay so if I tell you my name you have to tell me yours"

"Ali" "Addy" "Adrian" the three dark brown-haired boys said. "We are brothers."

"Baya" "Brent" the black-haired twins said. "We are twins"

"Sina" "Arial" "Sena" "Jones" the light brown haired people said " We are siblings but Sena and Jones are twins"

Somehow I knew they were lying about the names. I also know they had contacts on and face masks but they didn't have wigs on but I knew they were telling the truth about the siblings part. It was really weird that they reminded me of my brothers and childhood friends. But I think they work for my uncle so I just said " My name's cookie". They all had a confused look on their faces and I added "Well I guess we are all lying out our names so why not".

After I said that they all had a shocked look on their faces while I was smirking.

"We have now reached New York, you may exit if this is your destination," the speakers said.

I quickly got up and took my things and went out of the train and then out of the train station but then I saw all of them coming out so I quickly went inside a taxi and went to the nearest hotel.

I got inside the hotel and paid for a room for one night and went to my room. I quickly locked the room and went to my computer searching for different places I could train to be an agent. I also quickly rolled myself for school and bought an apartment for me to go to tomorrow. School starts in 1 week so I have plenty of time.

I switched off my computer and went to sleep but I didn't know that I was being watched...

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