Chapter 3

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Ali (Aaron) POV 

Me, my friends and my siblings had just come back from a mission when we saw something we never expected. Our little sister. The one we faked our deaths for so she would not be in danger. It was definitely a good idea, to keep our masks on- gotta thank Bella for that later.

We were nine in total. Bella and Jones were dating. Me and Sofia were dating. Adam and Anna were daring while Alex and Sarah were dating. The only one out of us 9 that's single is Blake but there's a perfectly good reason behind it.

Me, my brothers, and the Valentino twins already knew her of course but the Smith siblings only saw her in pictures or heard stories from us.

It was amusing to watch her as she tried to keep a blank face on. I just admit she was really good at hiding her emotions. Even better than most agents but she can't hide her emotions from us. We were a little angry and irritated when she got the 2 phone calls because we couldn't track them or find out who they were. We also got one hell of a shock when she busted us, by knowing that we were lying about her names but we already knew hers so it was fine.

As soon as we left the train we followed her to wherever she was going. We followed her to her hotel room and took a picture from far away to show our parents. Anyone looking at us might think that we are creeps, but taking pictures of people was an everyday thing for our jobs so none of this was unusual.

If I didn't mention it before then I will say it now. I come from the King family, Blake's from the Valentinos, and Jone's family is the Smiths. We all lived in one house. We are the best agents there are and our parents are the second in command while Blake's parents are first and the Smith families are third. We are also considered the best agency or FBI or whatever people call it in the world.

After we took the pictures we went to our house or more like mansion which is only 2 streets down. We own the whole street. On the street, there was an apartment building, a few shops, our school, and a few other buildings.

We quickly went inside the house to see our parents sitting on the couch in the living room talking to each other.

"Mom, Dad, everyone" I called out while reaching my pocket to get my phone.

They all answered yes or nodded. I quickly found the picture of our dear little sister and showed it to them. Both mine and Blake's parents gasped.

My mom asked, "Where did you get this picture". After me and the others explained what happened Blake's father asked "Are you sure you can't hack into her phone to find out who called her?"

"No, we tried and we can't. Especially after she broke her phone. Literally snapped it in half. We couldn't even find out which city the caller was in. I am actually scared she might be involved with some criminal activities or something because she was really scared." Alex said.

This time it was Sophia that answered " I don't think she was involved with a criminal or even is a criminal. The train station we were in is owned by us and everyone checks who comes in and who walks out so I am pretty sure she is running away from danger or something like that."

We all thought about what Sophia said and realized that it was true.

"I really wish if she is going to live in this city that she will go to our school. I want to see how she acts especially after she rejected that guy on the train" Adam said

We all agreed on that. After our talk, we all went to our rooms because everyone was tired.


The next day we found out that Alice is going to move into the apartment building next to our mansion and also go to our school. Since the school is owned by us we made sure that Bella or Blake would be in every one of our class. We have also informed the people that work there to treat her with respect. Now, all we could do is sit and way to see what'll happen next.

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