Act Two: A Desert Road

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"In recent news, The United Bank of Lung have been attack last night. This is terrible news Tom"

"Indeed it is Sandra the bank have reported over 100,000LMD have been stolen while up to 35,000 have been damage-"

"Ok, that's bullshit and they know it" I said while playing my Green-Box. Cupcake is sleeping in the back along with Colin and I am sitting in the back as well while Xp is driving and Rodin is in the passenger seat trying to reading a map. How I got my system to work is simple, I hook up the console to the T.V behind the passenger headrest and put my console underneath the seat. Thank you Xp for fixing the car and making my life easier.

"Hah I kinda expected that was going to happen." Xp said while taking a slurp from his pudding cup. "I mean whats better stealing 100LMD or 100,000LMD on paper?"

"Obviously stealing 100LMD" I said while trying to loot a dead corps from my game.

"True, but the police station will have a field day" I pause the game and took a sip of my cola. "I can see the headline now. 'Mask man broke into the United Bank and only stole 100LMD.' Not only will the police have lots of explaining to do, but the security of Financial institute will be question. So they have to save face somehow."Rodin said while trying to read an oversize map.

"Doesn't matter, I rob the bank stole money so whats the difference?"

"Whats sound worst for the police? Bank in the heart of the city only stole 100LMD or 100,000LMD? If you ask me, 100LMD is not something bank robbers do, stealing that much means there is a message being sent to. This will not only humiliate the entire police force, but Wei himself. Hell, I bet he ran counter intelligence." Rodin manage to find a spot on the map and showed it to Xp. After making a slight left, Rodin began to speak again. "We should reach Victoria in a few days at this rate."

"You know what I find funny?" I said while Rodin try to close his map and Xp open another pudding cup with his mouth.


"When our life became a video game a few months back, I expected an complex RPG system with dynamic inner phase or something?" I then hold a dark red book with a golden eastern dragon on the cover " This is still new to me. I mean, books determined what you are."

"Your point?" Xp said after finishing another pudding cup and tossing it out the window.

"I don't know something else." I said while putting the book back into my inventory.

"I mean, each books have a base health, skills, and leveling up the book will reduce the cost of said skills and makes it even better." Xp then grab a book from his inventory. "Also if you burn some books, the you can equip some key pages to make a build of some-sort."

"I know but I expected something more traditional you know?" I said while Xp gave a small chuckle.

"I know what you mean, but I kinda like this style better then the 'traditional' you mention."I raise my eyebrow at his comment and he saw my reaction threw the rear view mirror. " I mean, grinding dungeon everyday and having pop up ads telling you little information is one thing, but thinking every little thing to bullshit the system is another. 'If I eat cereal with my hand and drink milk after, then I won't waste time doing dishes, have already eaten, and drank milk to clear my throat.' Then an ad pop up. ' Congratulation, for thinking such a big brain play move, gain 5 wisdom and intelligence.' you know what I mean?" Xp asked while trying to open another pudding cup with his mouth...AGAIN.

"I know what you mean Xp, a man can dream can he?"

"Hell the books gives us an ultimate and different class to chose from. We can go to the dungeon and farm some tokens for the slots or find some monster drops." Rodin said while pulling his seat back messing up my view of the game. I gave him a light tap on the shoulder then he readjust himself. "Sorry Tay."

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