Alice, Alice Daisy

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~completely edited~

Alice sat on the front porch of the Victorian estate her deep brown hair falling in front of her pale green eyes. Moss covered the side of the building devouring the majority of the home. If you were to ask Alice her family lived in the biggest house in Avonlea in the remotest part of the town if you could even call it that. Forests of green enclosed the house a singular path leading from the house out into the world. The estate belonged to Alice's mother's family,  her mother's dream was to move from London back to Avonlea. Alice would have never guessed that it would take this much for her mothers' dream to come true.

A few drops of water fell from the damp roof above, hitting her dress and leaving puddles. She found herself focusing on the sound of droplets rolling off the roof she spaced out. Trying to uphold the strength Theo, her oldest brother, had asked her to carry. Her thin fingers traced the circles the puddles had left behind in her dress. She looks much like how her mother does the long brown hair and thin petite features. Although she had her father's fiery pale green eyes and quick wit.

Three boys came busting through the door pushing each other out of the way. Each of the boys looked like a variation of the other. One with large rounded glasses. The other had a brighter smile. The last had a smaller nose than his brothers. The smaller of the boys with round glasses leaned down in Alice's face. She looked up at him a slight glare on her face. He lifted his face from hers gulping. Alice stood up picking up the small basket full of her school supplies. Brushing her dress off with her free hand she stepped down the few porch steps. Sighing she began to walk down the wooded path.

The triplet with the glasses looked to his brothers, " Are we going to die now?"

The brother with the smaller nose looked at the faint silhouette of Alice, " We aren't going to die you took the longest. You, Liam, will be the one who dies. Alice will surely spare our lives."

"Are we glossing over the fact that she was crying?"Liam asked.

"Of course, it's probably just a girl thing, and besides it's Alice she never wants to talk about her feelings."

The triplet with the brighter smile pushed past them jogging to catch up with Alice. The brother with the rounder glasses followed behind them trying to catch up. Liam came running behind them trying to convince Alice not to kill him for making them late.

Standing in front of the school Alice forced a small smile, "Ready boys." Her brothers nodded as they began to step forward Alice slightly lagging. She may have put on an excellent show for her brothers but Alice was terrified. She like every one of her siblings attended the same school since kindergarten. Up until now at least. Pushing open the door Liam let each of his siblings in before closing it behind him. Setting her things down Alice was the first of the siblings to enter the classroom followed by her brothers.

A tall lanky man looked up from the small book in his hands, "You must be the new students. Not the best assumption to be late." All eyes shifted to the Daisy children in the back, and Liam gave a small wave. The man who Alice thought to be the teacher motioned for them to move to the front of the classroom, " Seeing as we are working on our manners due to some of you finding rats in my desk funny. I think it would be pleasant if our new students would address themselves, don't you class? "

The class responded all in a unison groan, "Yes Mr. Phillips "

Alice slid herself behind her brothers letting them go first. She needed time to think about what she would say. Although it was the impression she was going to make that stumped her. Did she want to be known as sweet or as sharp? As pushy or as headstrong. There were many ways this could go wrong and many ways it could go splendidly.

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