Hiding spaces

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(mostly edited)

Sitting in the attic room Alice made a small mark in an open notebook with her pencil. She was keeping track of the books she had read off the vine-coated shelves. It kept her occupied when boredom came knocking at her door.  Although boredom wasn't the only thing that had recently come knocking. Billy Andrews could be found light knocking on the door every few days asking to speak to Liam and at times George.

He made fast friends with Liam, as most people did, whilst George gave Billy his natural cold shoulder.  Liam is but no part of a realist. He believes that anyone can change. Unlike most of his siblings who are shy about the estranged term.  The room became a place Alice could escape without having to see Billy's face sitting in their living room playing chess. A game he wasn't too keen on, she didn't have to see his face as he laughed playing baseball outside their home.

She found herself not thinking about Gilbert much. Believe me, she still thought of him but not as a constant space. She thought of him at random times when flipping through books and running across chapters. Thinking of things he did like the characters or at times how in her head a character resembled him so perfectly. She knew he was gone and yet it felt like he was still there like he had never left. In her mind, he was just down the path in his home, a place Alice had never been but knew just of where it was around.

Through the endless pages, she found that the woman who had once roamed this room was almost like herself. At times it was hard to differentiate between notes written in the books and the thoughts that went on inside her head. At times the notes made no sense as though it was over-stretching to try and grasp a complicated concept. And at other times the notes matched so perfectly that it was almost scary.

With each passing day, she spent more and more time in the room.  And by today she had found herself sleeping there sneaking down for meals careful not to give away her secret place.  She had a small bag of clothes that she carried back and forth not to raise suspicion. With everything she was doing to be able to stay there longer, it seemed as though it was the stupidest thing she had done yet. Almost as stupid as the upcoming assumption that there is gold in Avonlea.


A tad bit of info: Most of the characters, whether main or side, that Alice envisioned as Gilbert at times barely physically resemble him in any way on written paper.

Daisy in the garden of roses {Gilbert Blyth x Oc}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя