A million lonely things

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Sitting on the steps of the estate Alice messed with her deep hair she pulled it back into ponytails or up into childish pigtails. She liked her blanket is gone. And yet that empty hole still sat in her heart waiting patiently for something to fill it.

She had begun doing this once again as she tried to find things to fill the hole. She tried having deep conversations with her siblings. Which ended with Emma in hysterics. The topic, of course, is how she hides from the outside world but mainly her and Lilian's relationship. I had heard the story a million times. A class story of forbidden love. Love...

A concept Alice never really got into personally. So she tried it. Writing down the word love she tried to write down anything she loved. Of course, she wrote down her family, and the attic, a place she had grown to love deeply, of course, she also put down London. Then her friends, and then nothing. It was good but not enough, not enough for her standards, surely not enough for the gaping hole in her heart. 

And so again she tried something else, yet this time she tried writing down the things that she finds lonely. Not what makes her angry but what makes her feel like it is only her and not in a good way. Not like you're alone in your soft world but like she's alone in the abyss that is her mind. She found herself writing down similar things as she had before. Some things she had already written as things she loved, she tried counting them but she stopped. Finding that she could name hundreds more, she could name a million lonely things.

And yet she repeated one a few times, Gilbert Blythe. Well, not his name as much as things about him. Things like boat rides, Long trips, small notes, confusing words,  and the word wait. Many things make Alice lonely but what makes her loneliest is him.  Although she doesn't even realize yet that she has nothing against boats or the English language. No matter how complex either is. She misses him even though she doesn't want to notice it, even though she can't.


Daisy in the garden of roses {Gilbert Blyth x Oc}Where stories live. Discover now