Daisy fire

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~fully edited~

Alice sat with her back leaning against a tree. She had been there for the past few hours seeing as she had not much to do with many of her classmates, along with most of the men of the town, helping to rebuild the burned-down house. She couldn't seem to remember the name of the family all she knew was it was some girls in her classes. Alice had tagged along with her brothers, most of the days they rebuilt she would spend them sitting under the tree sometimes reading and others distracting Gilbert. It seemed to make her brothers annoyed whenever she talked to anyone of the opposite gender. It could be mostly checked up to brotherly love but many times it was the fear of losing her that overcame her.

A few girls came skipping towards the house she could make out a few people one of which was Anne. Her fiery red hair made her stand out from most people. They started to talk to the boys giggling and holding out a basket of cookies. Alice shot up from her spot walking past them and grabbing one. Theo called out, "Is that a thief I see?" Alice shrugged, "I think you're as blind as a grandmother." He shook his head laughing going back to his work. Billy seemed to be fed up with Alice and her "distracting" reading. He already resented the girl for winning a baseball match, he seemed to hate the sight of her as much as her brothers did Gilbert.

 George's expression softened when he saw Anne. Alice had noticed that after the fire he would constantly go to check on her in between working on the house. A smaller blond girl leaned forward tripping she looked embarrassed almost in tears. Billy laughed, "And this is why a girl can't do a man's work look at her, such a crybaby." Gilbert ran over to help her up, but no one seemed to pay any mind to Billy. It made Alice's blood boil how much he got away with it.

Anne was about to step forward but Alice stood in front of her, "You think a woman can't do a man's work based solely upon her gender?" Billy scoffed even though he was looking down on her by coincidence the look in his eyes made it seem like he thought she was nothing. He scowled, "What if I do? Women are weaker than men are and quite frankly most of you would cry the second you got hurt ." Alice wasted no time climbing up the ladder, "Wanna bet money on it." Shoving Billy out of her way she grabbed the hammer from him. She started to do his work for him not paying any mind to his constant reaches for the hammer and nails from her.

When the rest of the girls began home Anne lagged climbing up the ladder herself to help Alice. Alice glanced over at her puzzled, "You don't have to do this. Talking to me is damaging your reputation enough." Anne took the nails from her holding them, "Any chance to stand up to Billy Andrews I will take." The two girls would switch on and off holding boards for each other and hammering them in. The process went on for a few days the girls not leaving until the work was done.

Now standing in front of the house the work crew looked triumphant. Smug looks on many of their faces. Alice leaned backward into who she thought was her older brother who had been standing behind her. Alice looked back to notice that it was Gilbert, she tried to lean forward, "Oh I'm sorry I thought you were Theo at first." 

He was slightly taller than her making it to where his head could rest on hers. He wrapped his arms around her as she faced back forward, "It's fine." He  put his head on hers his eyes growing slightly heavy, "You have a very big head it's good for a pillow." Alice sighed crossing her arms, "I'm going to act like you never said that."

It was a few days after the group had finished the house and everyone had already returned to school. Classes were the same boring things over and over. Alice was surpassing most students in class, a common trait among the Daisy children. She was currently neck and neck with George in English. She although reigned supreme when it came to the sciences. She struggles a little in Mathematics falling behind Gilbert by a few points. But even in Daisy's home, a few points matter everything, small mattered or at least they used to. Alice pushed her dark hair out of her eyes thinking about the most recent score she had gotten.

Mr. Phillips had gone to the back room once again with that same girl to talk. This only made most of the girls giggle. Alice herself found it utterly disgusting, she wanted to puke at the thought of their plans for marriage. Crumpling up a small price of paper in their hands she threw it at Gilbert. Rubbing the back of his head as he turned his face rang of confusion, "What is it, Alice?" She looked at him appalled, "No need to be rude, anyways what're your scores." Just by the look on his face, she could tell he had a lower score.

Not necessarily low as in failing but somewhere in between passing and tanking the test. It may seem strange but Alice knew what it felt like to be intelligent and go below your standards. The standards your parents and family alike place on you. The near impossibility it is to reach them. Alice grabbed the yellowed paper from the table in front of her walking quickly over to Gilbert's desktop. She kneeled smacking her paper on the table, "It can't be that bad." He looked over at her annoyed turning his gaze to her perfect score, "Are you trying to hurt me?"

She looked between him and the score, "Not really at least I don't think I am." His lips grew into a small grin, and before he could speak a creak came from the back of the classroom. Running back to her seat Alice slid against the wood bench. Anne grabbed her arm before Alice could slam into her. Although it was only a timid blond child who walked in. He still managed to scare the life out of Alice. It was something about the way he walked like he was meant to feel as though he owned the room but couldn't. His hands shook slightly as he walked over to his seat. Although Alice wasn't the Daisy to notice his absence Emmit had. He shot up from his seat pressing his book to the desk, "Your late Cole, and by an extreme amount you had the whole class in a tissy over you."

It amused Alice how much he talked like an elderly woman when he was angry. Cole sat down muttering a response pulling Emmitt done with him. A small chuckle came from the girl's side followed by a few words Alice did hear. She said something about the two being in love, which Alice took no offense to But she also knew how a rumor like that would get Emmit hurt. 

 She is spun around to face a girl a few rows back. She knew her from the fire her name was Rosie or something to that effect. She had been staying with Anne while her home was being built. Although Alice heard her, due to her being remarkably loud for trying to whisper, she was sure Emmit nor Cole had.

A smirk fell on her face as Rosie's eyes met hers, "Do you think your funny? The little curls in hair may be cute but one thing is sure...you aren't." Rosie blinked in shock for a second looking around at her peers. Her gaze fixed now up towards Alice who was standing over her, her hand pressed against the desk. And my dear reader here is where we learn why Daisy's bring with them so much controversy. Once they have an idea in their head or this case anger in there mind, nothing can stop them. Other than their mother but as we have learned by now there is nothing anymore to stop a Daisy.

Rosie looked the small girl up and down a smile on her face, "I don't see what your problem is Ali... I do it's you. You're so nosy you can't seem to keep your mind on your own business. What are you in love with one of them?"

 And on poured the Daisy fire in Alice's veins. Leaning down towards Rosie's face she noticed the slight quiver of Rosie's lip, everything she had said up to this point was an act. Like most people, Rosie was terrified of the Daisy children she had heard stories from her mother. Who had heard them from Danielle's mother, who had seen them in the act of rage, and in some ways fabricated the story. A smile formed from Alice's smirk, "He's my brother, and your one to talk, aren't you morbidly and terribly in love with Gilbert, or is that just what you tell your friends? We both know what your mother has said about me...about us so why say anything at all."

A louder voice came from behind her, " Alice don't you dare hit her, do you want to deal with Theo's disappointment?" Alice only blocked him out, "Not saying anything bunny, why are you so quiet?" Rosie gulped slightly, "The only thing I'm terrified of is that you'll try and burn me down like you did your parents." Arms slid under Alice's dragging her back before she could swing. Emmit stood in the aisle waiting to grab her ankles. Lifting her ankles he looked to George who had his arms holding up her upper half. Alice turned her head towards Anne, "Tell Phillips that I got sick or something. Oh and that Rosie girl is a cunt ain't she." The boys started to carry her out as she yelled back to Gilbert, who was containing a laugh, "I'll see ya round Blyth maybe then you can tell me how much better I am than you."

He muttered to where Alice couldn't hear, "Maybe you will Daisy....maybe you will."

{I didn't mean to make Rosie a bitch. But she's just Jealous and so she's lashing out because she sees the way Gilbert looks at Alice. And she's heard what her mother has said about them do blah blah blah I'm rambling}

Daisy in the garden of roses {Gilbert Blyth x Oc}Where stories live. Discover now