I'll protect you Princess

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Head cannons/Aus: retainer!Sting x Princess!Minerva

Plot:  Sting protects the princess no matter what but finds himself in over his head when she asks him to take her first time.

Type of one shot: smut

Warning: sexual content. Do not read if you are under 18 or uncomfortable with this stuff.

Sting had been doing his usual duties by keeping watch over the princess as she had a meeting with nobles from another country. To him she was his everything not just a job he was forced to take on. He wore his usual armor today with a guild mark on the shoulder. Sting belonged to the Sabertooth division as it was called. He had control of the division despite Minerva being the princess. She still strategized their every move and so far they only failed twice with whatever they had to do. Today Minerva seemed particularly tired as seen by the facial expression on her face. Minerva wore a dress with little to no armor as her abilities were spectacular. Sting noticed her tired expression and would talk to her about it after the meeting ended. Once the meeting finally ended Minerva walked out of the room and nodded. Sting walked towards her and gave her a smile.

"Is something the matter princess?"

He asked her, a worried look on his face as he looked at the tired expression on her face. She looked at him, a smile appearing as she yawned.

"I'm fine. I just had a nightmare"

She said as she grabbed the reins to the horse she had rode to get to the meeting. Sting helped her up onto the saddle before he jumped onto his horse. They started to ride back to the palace as he looked towards her.

"What was it about? Your nightmare?"

He asked gently as he didn't want to upset her. She looked down at the reins as she felt helpless. She never could keep secrets from Sting for long. She finally looked back at him as her evergreen eyes looked dull.

"I lost everything. The whole division.. the palace.. my country. Everything got taken out in a war. I was looking at all the dead bodies around till I saw the division on crosses.. dead."

She replied shakily and Sting felt more worried. He knew when she had horrible nightmares she forced herself to be unseen until she felt safe for a week. Her father didn't care. The bastard only made her nightmares worst as she was sent to do his bidding. Sting hoped she wouldn't do the same thing.

"Are you okay Princess? Is it bothering you still?"

He asked as he ran a hand through his hair, definitely stressing out about her. She smiled sweetly as she reached her hand out and gently held his. He looked at her confused as he saw her cheeks were pink with blush.

"If I promise you I am will you believe me?"

She said which made him blush. He shouldn't be caught in such a inappropriate way with the princess. He couldn't help but enjoy the warmth of her hand though. His smile appeared as he nodded gently. They got to the main city finally and road their way to the palace. Once they got to the stables he got her off the horse. She stood in his arms for a second enjoying the feeling until she started to walk towards the palace to tell her father of the good news.

"Sting later tonight.. meet me at my room. Don't wear your armor either. Just the clothes underneath them."

She said as she hurried off. Sting looked stunned as he stared at the blur that was once the princess. She wanted him in her room but why? He supposed he'd find out soon.


Sting was walking down the hall when she asked him to come to her room. Was she having trouble with something or someone? He'd ask her these questions later once he got there. He gently knocked on the door before he yelped as he was suddenly pulled in. He found himself pinned to her door immediately as her lips smashed against his. He heard the click of her door locking as he looked down at her in confusion. He was able to push her away as he gave her a <what the hell are you doing> look. He didn't expect her to just pounce on him like that.

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