I thought you loved me

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Head cannons/Aus: Cheater!Sting x Minerva

Plot: Sting cheats on Minerva and breaks her heart until she figures out that he is possessed by the woman he cheated on her with. She had used charm magic on him.

Minerva was happy to finally make it home from her long mission. She opened their apartment and froze in her spot as she heard grunts and moans. Someone whispering Sting's softly. Minerva slowly walked into their apartment, confused. As she walked towards their bedroom she heard the grunts and moans getting louder. She finally stormed into their bedroom, staring in shock as she saw Sting with another woman. She felt anger consume her in one second as she pulled him off her and punched him straight in the nose. She went to attack the woman he was sleeping with but he stopped her by grabbing her hands and slamming her into the wall. He glared at her as he snarled.

"What are you doing?!"

She exclaimed as she fought him off. They both seemed to be angry at each other about to tear each other's throats apart.

"I was enjoying making love to my girlfriend but now I'm fighting some weird girl who stormed in my house!"

He exclaimed as his blue eyes stared into her evergreen eyes. She felt the tears coming as they started to pour out of her eyes.

"I can't believe you. One second you love me.. the next you're screwing some chick in our bed. I have to leave this place. It's madness."

Her voice cracked as she wiped her tears away and ran away from the scene. She found herself sobbing over the man she once called her boyfriend. She ran as fast as she could towards the guild, sobbing the whole way. Once she burst into the guild she fell to her knees, crying harder. Rogue was the first to her and then Yukino.

"M-milady?! What's wrong?! You're crying non-stop! Did something happen to Sting?!"

Rogue exclaimed as he pulled her straight into a hug as he gently played with her hair. Minerva was a good friend of his so of course he was worried about her. He noticed her shudder so he wrapped his cape around her shoulders.

"He's fine. Well until he gets here that is. I'll kill him."

She said through her teeth she was gritting together. He frowned, confused at her response. Why did she want to kill Sting? What could the idiot had done that was so bad?

"What do you mean milady-?"

He asked before he saw the look of fury on her face. It had to be bad if she was so sad and furious about it.

"He's screwing another woman in our bed and when I punched him he slammed me into the wall and said she was his girlfriend and I was a weird girl who broke into his house."

She said before bursting into tears again. As much as she wanted to kill him she'd much rather sink into the floor never to be seen again. A look of shock appeared on his face as he looked at her. That wasn't Sting at all. He was always loyal to his friends and to his girlfriend who he nearly revolved his life around. Why would he cheat on Minerva with another woman? Yukino seemed to have the same idea as Rogue.

"Sting did what..? That's not him at all. He'd never do what he did to you. He's completely loyal to his guild mates especially his girlfriend. There's something else to this my lady."

Yukino said quietly as she quickly left to Minerva's apartment. Minerva just curled into more of a ball as she sniffed. She'd never forgive him for this whenever it was accidental or not. How could he even go through with that? She figured it out immediately.

"I'll never forgive that bastard. Rogue I'm leaving."

She said before attempting to walk away until he grabbed her wrist. He gave her a sharp look as she glared at him.

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