I'll never be perfect like her

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Head cannons/Aus: Sting x Jealous!Minerva

Plot: Sting is trying to surprise Minerva for her birthday but when Minerva gets jealous and freaks out he feels bad.

Minerva felt irritation setting in as she watched her boyfriend flirting with Yukino. At least that's what she took it as. Minerva couldn't hear what was actually being said. She glared at the two as Rogue sat down next to her. Minerva sighed and laid her head on the table.

"Sting problems?"

He asked her which made her groan irritably. She looked at him with a sour face.

"He's flirting with her."

Rogue looked where Minerva was looking and chuckled. She shot him a look before hiding her face, sulking.

"I never believed you to be the jealous type Milady. It's cute but you should know that Sting is loyal."

He said with a smile on his face until it faded once he felt her aura. She felt about ready to explode. He looked at Sting to motion him towards her. Sting grinned at Rogue and waved at him. 'idiot.' Rogue thought in his head as her gasket broke when Sting finally said the wrong thing she could hear.

"Thanks Yukino! You're the best!"

He exclaimed with a smile as Yukino flushed out of embarrassment. Minerva slammed her hands on the table before losing steam.


She yelled as she stormed out of the guild after the table was in millions of pieces now. Everyone but Rogue looked at where Minerva once was in shock.

"What was that about-?"

Sting asked in confusion. Rogue sighed at his best friend's stupidity. Rogue looked at him and got up.

"What were you talking to Yukino about?"

He asked which confused Sting more as he looked at him. Rogue shook his head as he shot him a glare.

"I was talking to Yukino about Minerva's surprise birthday party tonight.. why?"

Sting replied as he looked at Rogue. He wondered why Minerva had left like that. He had never seen Minerva like that before.

"Perhaps you should tag her and explain that before she gets home. She thinks you're flirting with Yukino."

Rogue replied with a agitated tone. Sting's eyes widened as he realized why he hadn't seen Minerva like that before. She was jealous of Yukino but why? He didn't understand it.

"Yukino get everything ready we'll be back soon."

"Okay Sting!"

She replied as Sting ran out of the guild. He sniffed the air, catching her scent before running towards her. He saw Minerva's droopy figure and started to run over to her.

"Princess slow down!"

He yelled out as he huffed. Minerva turned for a second, just long enough for Sting to see her tear-stained cheeks before turning back around and storming off faster. Sting finally caught up and spun her around to face him as he held onto her arms tightly.

"What the hell has gotten into you Princess?! Why are you acting this way?!"

He demanded as he forced her to stay put knowing that she wouldn't use her magic to escape from him. She looked furious as tears started to fall from her cheeks.

"Why are you so much happier with her than me? Hm? Is it because she's perfect and I'll never once in my pathetic life hold a candle to her? Is it because she never kept Lector from you and disappeared to go join a dark guild because she thought you didn't deserve her strength? Is it because she's not a good for nothing demon? "

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