Happy place

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Light filtered down through the dirty stained windows of my tiny attic room, and a draft scattered the papers that sat forgotten on my desk. The air around me was cold and with every breath I drew it burned deep in my lungs, but still I smiled. I smile because I remember the warmth of you body pressed flush against mine and I remember the way you would sings old bar songs gently in my ear. All those old memories float gently through my mind, and for a moment I think I can still see you there smiling at me from the doorway. I remember our first kiss and how sweet you were, I remember the first night you said you loved me, I remember the first night we were ever together.

It was late summer and we were walking home from a small bar just of third street, you grabbed my hand without a fear in the world. I knew that I should have told you know that I should've taken my hand back, but in that moment I was so completely happy that nothing else mattered. As we walked you sang piano man horribly off key, but with each missed note I loved you a little more. When we arrived at my door you smiled at me and I smiled back.

"It looks like it's going to be a little cold tonight Alan." You remarked in your usual casual manner.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused, it was summer why on earth did you think it would be cold?

For a long moment you stared at me almost as if he was waiting for something, then you leaned in close and whispered softly.

"Alan, I want to take you tonight." you leaned back and gave me a pointed look.

My eyes widened, and so did yours.

"We don't have to now if your not ready, I um I'm sorry Alan am I moving too fast?" You asked as I stared into your beautiful blue eyes.

"No Christian, your not moving too fast. Let's go upstairs." I answer quietly, calming your fears.

Smiling you lead the way up the stairs and down the hall, then reaching up you grabbed the draw string and pull down the ladder that leads to my room. Slowly you guided me up the steps and then pull the ladder back up, effectively sealing us into my room. My hands start to shake as the nerves take hold, my breath rushes in and out of me as I watch you move around the room. you turn to look at me and for moment I fear that maybe you're having second thoughts about me.

"Alan calm down, it's okay. I love you, don't be afraid I promise I'll be gentle." You
Say as you grab my hands and press them to your warm lips. I smiled softly and nodded my head, not trusting my voice.

Suddenly your lips were upon mine and a moan slipped from your mouth. Your strong calloused hand slid their way up my arms to caress my face. We kissed for awhile and somehow in that time you lost your clothes and I had nothing on but my pants. You pushed me back onto the bed and then pulled my pants and undergarments off all at once. I moaned as I sat up, before taking you into my hands and then into my mouth. My head bobbed up and down and you moaned out a string of curses.

"Good lord Alan, if you keep on like that I am going to cum." You growled as you pushed me off your throbbing member and lifted me up onto the bed.

I was nervous as you placed me on my back and began to kiss your way down my body towards my own neglected member. I moan begging for attention but you laugh and skip over my erection and head for my hot hole. I gasped as you slid your finger inside me and then again as you began to move it. After I was used to the one you added another and scissored them, I gasped and moaned louder this time. God the feeling was fantastic, and I never wanted it to stop.

"Alan are you ready for me?" Your deep voice fills me with shudders as I look up at you and nod.

Suddenly you were deep inside me and I was moaning, it felt as though you had set my body on fire with just a touch. I stared into your eyes and couldn't imagine ever looking away. I loved you, on that one moment I really truly love all of you.

"Christian, oh god yes more!" I practically screamed as you pick up the pace

In my ear I can hear you whispering over and over, I love you.

I loved you to Christian, I really truly did. Then the war came and you left, and after you left you died. I miss you so much, but it's okay because I'll see you soon. it's getting cold and I'm so very tired.

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